Cold Husband and Childish Wife (Yoongi)

145 12 18

I was sleeping peacefully but my sleep was disturbed by Mr. Ice berg. He was yelling at someone on his phone. Maybe that is his poor secretary. Poor man is getting scolded by this coldie early in the morning. *rolls eyes*.

You were already awake all thanks to him so you went to freshen up. 


You are Min Y/N, wife of Antarctica-- I mean the most cold hearted person on this earth, CEO of Min enterprise, Min Yoongi. You are a childish, soft, cute, bubbly and a sweet girl. You must be thinking how this Antarctica took his interest in you so there's nothing like that. It was an arranged marriage done by both of your parents as they were so good friends so both of your dads thought to make their friendship more strong and tied knots between you both. 

You are married to him for almost 3 months now but this ice berg never took interest in you. You used so many methods to make him fall in love with you but all of them failed according to you. But now who is gonna tell you that this coldie CEO is already in love with his childish wife. He notice every single action of yours. He loves how you scrunch your nose whenever you are annoyed, he loves how you make weird faces whenever he tell you to finish your vegetables, he loves how you throw tantrums on your period, he loves how you play with your fingers if you are nervous, he loves how you pout and show bambi eyes to him whenever you want something from him. All in all he loves everything about you.

Time Skip,

After freshening up, you went downstairs to have breakfast with him. As usual he was siting on the dining with his cold face reading newspaper while drinking his black coffee. You never understand how can someone love black coffee. You always hated that but see your ice berg loves that. You went and sat beside him and tell the maids to serve you both, breakfast. There was a peaceful silence on the dining which was broken by him.

Yoongi: I am done, you should come early today. We have an important meeting with our client. Don't forget and also make sure you check the documents clearly. I don't want any mistakes in this meeting.

You nodded and continue eating your breakfast while he went to office first. Even if you are his wife but this thing was unknown to the world as you don't want unnecessary attention on you. You both will reveal your relationship on your 6 months anniversary. You are also one of his employees and for the first time in your life, you will give a presentation so you are so nervous about this. And the thing making all this worse is your periods. They were a week early but now you can't do anything about them so you are just praying that this presentation will go well.

You quickly finished your breakfast and then drove to the office. When you reached office, you were informed that Mr. Min aka Ice Berg is calling you in his cabin so you rushed to his cabin as you know that he hates people who are late and does not take their jobs seriously. When you reached in front of his cabin, you knocked on his door to take his permission to enter. You heard a cold voice saying "Come in". After that you entered his cabin. You bowed before speaking,

You: Good Morning Mr. Min. Why you call me here sir??

Yoongi: Y----

He was about to say something but was cut off by a girly voice. It was high pitched and you want to kill that girl for speaking like this intentionally. You know that it's not her real voice.

Neisha: You are already so late and now you are even asking why he called you here.

Neisha is Mr. Min's (his dad) friend and his business partner's daughter. She always try to hit on him even though she know that he is already married to you. She always wanted to marry him but when she heard that he is already married to you she can't help but feel jealous.

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