chapter one.

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who is this lol

we j met at the three broomsticks
u too drunk to rmbr?

i have quite literally been in bed all night
someone gave u the wrong number

that's nice
who is this then?

i asked u first weirdo

i j got pranked
least u could do is tell me who u r

no thx
how do ik ur not 50

i'm 17...
i go to hogwarts

oh fr?
me too
seventh year?

yeah lol
that's weird i thought i had everyone in our years #

tbh me too

yk what
this could be fun


the anonymity thing
we j don't tell each other who we are
we can talk without pressure

yk what
why not

well, mystery person
it's late and i'm sure i'll be hungover in the AM
so i should head to bed

goodnight, mystery person

MARINA SAT HER PHONE DOWN. She was exhausted. So utterly exhausted.

The week had been long. Midterm after midterm.

It's not surprising a bunch of people were out partying to celebrate the end of such a long week.

Marina was supposed to be out partying, in fact, but after her last exam she decided to stay in. The exhaustion had hit her like a truck once she walked into her dorm.

Her roommates were all at the Three Broomsticks, partying hard, and she knew she'd be dealing with three hungover girls in the morning.

Thank Merlin for Saturdays.

Marina sighed, rolling over on her side and pulling her sleep mask down. She might as well get a little sleep. Her roommates would still be a few hours, and she knew they'd have her awake once they arrived.

As she drifted to sleep, she thought about the strange number that texted her, but before she could think too deeply, she drifted off to sleep.

Marina was woken at 4 in the morning by her roommates stumbling into the room, all giggling and shushing each other.

She tugged her sleep mask off and leaned over to click her lamp on.

All of her roommates turned to look at her once they realized she was awake, and started giggling more.

"Good morning, Mar Mar." Spencer said as she came over, falling onto her bed and snuggling into Marina.

All of her friends were affectionate drunks. They loved hugging and being touchy, so this was welcomed.

Marina allowed Spencer to snuggle into her as she watched Lauren and Stephanie stumble around, trying to get out of their party outfits.

After a few minutes, though, Marina pushed Spencer away.

"You need to go clean up. You smell like vodka." Marina said before Spencer groaned, then stood.

Spencer stumbled to their bathroom and Marina heard the shower start.

Marina's other roommates had already fallen into their beds, half naked, and were basically asleep.

Marina took it upon herself to lay anti-hangover viles on all of their nightstands with bottles of water, along with their personal trashcans next to their beds. Just in case.

Marina was half asleep by the time Spencer exited the shower, who collapsed on her bed after half-dressing.

After she heard all of them snoring softly, she clicked off her light and picked up her phone.

mystery person 🗣️

roommates came back drunk
hopefully these anti-hangover potions work
wish me luck 🤞

After Marina sent the text, she sat her phone down and tugged her sleep mask back on. Falling asleep almost immediately.

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