chapter three.

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"YOU'RE DOING WHAT?" Lauren asked, giving Marina an exasperated look.

"So what you're saying is a random guy texted you last night because someone gave him the wrong number. And now you're being friends with him, but you're not telling each other who you are. But you want to go drink with his friends tonight in hopes that he'll be there?" Spencer asked, giving her a look.

"Mar, you sound insane." Stephanie said, and Marina glared at her.

"I am not crazy, and they're our friends too. You're literally in love with Pansy, Steph." Marina said, defending herself.

"She got you there." Lauren said, earning a glare from Stephanie.

"There's no way you're encouraging this. What if he's some awful person?" Spencer asked Lauren, and she shrugged.

"I'm sorry, but if she's talking to one of Pansy's friends, I think she's fine. Pansy doesn't put up with bullshit, and you both know it." Lauren said.

"Thank you." Marina said, waving a hand at Lauren.

"Okay. If we go, you have to promise you're not going to be spending every minute trying to figure out who this guy is." Stephanie said as she gave Marina a look.

"And you have to promise you're not going to get blacked out and kiss Pansy." Marina said.

"Okay, that was one time." Stephanie said.

"Three times, actually. We just never told you about the other two." Spencer said, shrugging as she laid back on her bed.

"You are all evil. How could you not tell me?" Stephanie asked.

"Because you professed you're undying love to her both of those times." Lauren said as she shrugged.

"And then you vomited on her once. We wanted to spare you the embarrassment." Marina said as she sat on Spencers bed.

"Should've kept that one a secret." Stephanie said, groaning.

Marina laughed along with her friends, when suddenly her phone was pinging multiple times.

"Damn, who's texting you?" Spencer asked as she grabbed Marina's phone, "Oooooh, Mystery Man." She said as she teased Marina.

"What does it say?" Lauren asked, sitting up on her bed.

Marina tried getting her phone back, she really did, but Spencer was quick.

"He's asking if you'll be there tonight, Mar." Spencer said, earning an "Oooh" from all of her roommates.

"Shut up. All of you. And give me my phone back!" Marina said, standing on Spencers bed, ready to pounce.

Spencer tossed Marina her phone, as she knew that Marina would pounce if she had to.

Marina opened her phone to multiple messages from the mystery guy.

mystery man 🗣️

i'm feeling better
thanks to you
my friends and i are having a get together tonight
drinking and smoking ofc
would you want to come?

not too sure
roomies aren't too thrilled of alc rn

well just lmk

i will :)

Marina sent the text and immediately received another one, but from Theo this time.

theo beo

theo beo
u comin tn?

we'll be there !!

theo beo
it'll prob be more of a party
than j "drinks"
draco got carried away w inviting people

oh he's feeling better?

theo beo
gave him some pain meds and he's ready 2 go

sounds abt right lol
well we'll see u tn :)

theo beo
see u then !!

Marina sat her phone down and looked at Spencer, who was peaking over her shoulder the entire time.

"Nice save, Mar. Telling mystery man you won't be there so he won't know it's you. Very smart." Spencer said, applauding Marina.

"Oh, shut up and go find outfits." Marina said, shoving Spencer away from her.

"Fine, fine. How slutty do we want to look tonight?" Spencer asked before heading over to her wardrobe.

"Slutty. For Marina of course, and probably Stephanie." Lauren said, giving the named girls a look.

"You are evil." Stephanie said.

"You love me." Lauren said back.

Spencer and Marina laughed and Spencer opened her wardrobe.

"Let's get started." Spencer said as she started to dig through her clothes.

Half the day later and the girls were ready to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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