Chapter 6

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" Hmm Angel, why do you suddenly want to know about your dad? " Daniella asked cautiously, not wanting to offend the little girl.

" Is it wrong for me to want to know about my dad? " Angel turned and asked Daniella, Daniella just shaking her head. " Aunt, answer my previous question, " she added.

" I know, but I didn't get much information about your dad, " Daniella said with a heavy sigh. She had to be honest with Angel no matter what. She knew this little girl would ask about her father, but she didn't expect Angel to ask her. She didn't understand why the little girl didn't just ask Agnes.

" What do you mean? What information did you get about my dad? " Angel asked again. Daniella took another deep breath and recalled the information she had gathered about this little child's biological father.

" Your dad's name is James Byron Van Houten, " Daniella informed Angel.

" James Byron Van Houten? " Angel asked, and Daniella simply nodded. Then the little girl pulled out a photo from her pajama pocket and showed it to Daniella. The photo was of Agnes being held by James Byron Van Houten in a hotel room. " Is this James Byron Van Houten? " Angel asked again.

" Yes, sweetheart, that's him, " Daniella answered confidently.

" Then why have I never known my dad? " Angel asked again.

Daniella fell silent for a moment, contemplating how she should tell this little child about her parents and about what had happened 5 years ago. She knew she shouldn't keep it a secret from Angel, as the young child would eventually find out. Once again, Daniella took a deep breath before deciding to share everything with Angel.

" It's a long story, but I want you to listen carefully and understand what I'm going to tell you, " Daniella said.

" Okay, tell me! " Angel responded impatiently. Daniella finally shared everything with Angel about the events that had transpired 5 years ago, leading to Agnes being kicked out of her home by her father and the crimes committed against her by Marissa Rivanno and Sheila Gordon. Daniella also recounted the moments when Agnes reunited with her birth mother, Tony, and Ceyda Tekin, Agnes's maternal half-sister. Angel felt sad hearing Daniella's story of her mother's unfortunate past and felt anger towards the people who had mistreated her.

" They're really mean! " Angel responded.

" Yes, they are indeed evil. Now you understand everything, right? " Daniella asked, and Angel nodded to indicate she understood everything that Daniella had told her.

" Aunt, I hope you won't tell anyone, including my mom, that I know everything. I don't want my mom to be sad, that's why I'm afraid to ask her about my dad, " Angel said, making Daniella feel a bit emotional hearing it.

" I won't, sweetheart, " Daniella replied with a smile.

Shortly after, they heard the sound of someone's footsteps approaching Angel's room, and stopped right at the door. It turned out to be Agnes.

" What are you two talking about? " Agnes asked Daniella and Angel.

" Nothing, mom. I just asked Aunt Daniella to register me for a children's modeling competition, " Angel answered, covering up the fact that she already knew Agnes' past secret. Then Angel looked at Daniella's face. " Right? " she added, squinting her eyes at Daniella.

Daniella, understanding what Angel meant, quickly replied, " Yes, that's right. "

" Oh well, let's go eat then. Tony is already waiting for us, " Agnes said, inviting the two of them to have dinner together.

" Let's go, mommy, Aunt, " Angel responded, leaving the room. The two women followed Angel as they went to the dining room.

After finishing dinner, Angel immediately went to her room. She made an excuse of being sleepy to Agnes, while in her room she was browsing the internet to find information about James Byron Van Houten, who was said to be her biological father. She found a lot of information online, and one that caught Angel's attention was that James Byron Van Houten was the owner of VH Company and several other companies, including VH modeling agency. Currently, VH modeling agency was hosting a children's fashion competition, so they needed several child models to register. Angel became interested in the competition, so she wasted no time and immediately registered herself for it.

" Done! I hope I get accepted! " exclaimed Angel with excitement.

Meanwhile, Agnes was chatting in the living room with Tony and their cousin, Daniella.

" Why don't you guys just stay here and keep me company? At least I have someone to talk to, " Agnes said, looking at Tony and Daniella.

" I'm sorry sis, it's not that I don't want to, but I didn't bring any clothes and I have to work tomorrow, " Tony replied, as agreed upon by Daniella.

" That's true, plus you know how my mom and dad are, they won't easily let me spend the night at someone else's house, " Daniella said.

" Hmm, I understand. No wonder you don't have a boyfriend until now. Your life is controlled by your parents, " Agnes responded to Daniella's words.

" Well, you're in the same boat as me. You don't have a boyfriend either! " Daniella jokingly replied.

" Daniella, even though my sister doesn't have a boyfriend, she still has us, her family, and her child, " Tony replied.

" Yes, I know. Angel must mean a lot to you, right? " Daniella asked, suddenly reminded of the cute little child and already missing her even though they had just met briefly earlier. The words Angel said still echoed in her mind. Agnes nodded her head.

" Angel doesn't just mean a lot to me, she is my world, she is my life, " Agnes said.

After Tony and Daniella left, Agnes quickly closed the door and turned off the lights in the living room. She then went to Angel's room and saw the little child sleeping soundly while hugging her Doraemon doll. Agnes approached Angel and sat on the bed next to her, she looked at the sweet face of the little child and smiled at the cute face of her little angel that she had birthed. It truly made her heart feel at peace to gaze at that face.

" Good night, sweetheart. Mommy loves you and will never stop loving you until the end of my life, " Agnes whispered softly while gently stroking Angel's blonde hair. After that, Agnes got up and walked out of Angel's room, she closed the door slowly so as not to disturb Angel's sleep, but unbeknownst to her, Angel was not actually asleep, the little child just closed her eyes.

" I love you too, mommy, " Angel whispered softly in response.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 22 ⏰

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