Drunken confession: Red haired Shanks. (GN) ❤️

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Red Haired Shanks...one of the strongest people in the world, one of the kindest, and one of the most attractive to boot. He's strong, nice, smart, funniest, and the most trusted emperor on the seas. Instead of instilling fear in the hearts of whoever sees it, it fills them with happiness. And this man was your captain.

You sit on your bed, cleaning your weapon gently, as to not harm the integrity of the item. Around your room sits some pictures, along with a Polaroid camera. The sea, a beautiful forest in an island, a few of the crew in various fights or parties, and finally, at least ten of the man that occupied your mind most days. One of him chugging a bottle of Sake, a couple of him standing victorious over some unconscious Marines, but most of them are sippy of him...being him.

Smiling, laughing, his stoic face when he goes into an battle, and a couple of him unknowing of your activity, looking out at sea, down at his desk, or even one of him blackout drunk, thrown over the shoulder of Beckman. It's well known that Shanks is a drunk...but that's exactly why you decide to appreciate Shanks from afar, as you've seen him break to many hearts. Man or woman, you've seen plenty of people exiting the ship after a night of drinking, from Shanks' quarters.

You can't say it doesn't make you jealous, but there's nothing to do about it. He can have anyone...why would he choose a crewmate, that would only complicate things. But for now, you can't shake the crush on your captain, which is why your heart squeezes Everytime he goes to drink, knowing that he'll probably come back with a partner. Which is a similar scenario to right now, where the crew is celebrating a win against a opposing pirate crew, by getting blackout drunk at the bar, Beckman is the most sober one at these type of events, but you are a nice second pick, as you tend to know your limits.

Right now, you sit at the back of the bar, keeping an eye on every crew member, from Roux to Rockstar...except Beckman, you can trust him to keep himself able to think straight. But...your eyes keep darting to the stool in the middle of the counter, which is occupied by the butt of a red-haired pirate, who is already swaying in his seat. You roll your eyes, as Shanks leans backward, looking over his shoulder at you, and smiling, winking at you, before he stands up, staggering over to your table, and practically collapsing into the chair across from you.

"You look stunning~" Shanks says, smiling as he leans his chin on his palm, his face red as his words slur out of his mouth. He's clearly drunk out of his mind, making you roll your eyes. Shanks leans in closer, placing his one hand on your cheek, as he gently strokes it. You lean into his palm on instinct, before quickly pulling back, your eyes locked onto his piercing gaze, as you attempt to stutter out a response, only to get cut off.

"You look like Y/n...I...Is it okay if I kiss you?" Shanks mumbles out, blushing deeper as he asks permission, instead of his usual leaning in, waiting for them to take the chance on him. The mention of your name shocks you, you wonder if it's just a observation, or if he really wants to kiss you, only because you resemble... yourself. Without realizing it, you nod slightly, before seeing him lean in, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss. You feel the sweet feeling of his hand gently rubbing up and down your arm, as he leans forward further, nearly knocking the table over, as he savors the moment.

"I love you..." Shanks mumbles, as your mind grows foggy, quickly losing yourself to the alcohol, and the happiness you feel. Before you realize it, your mind is clearing slightly, and you realize you're being pinned to the door of Shanks' quarters, his lips smashed to yours, as he holds your arms above your head with his one hand. Everything is a blur after that, only vuage colors and shapes, but the identifiable color of Shanks' hair, is the into thing that keeps you grounded, as your eyes slowly drift open. The vaguely familiar sight of Shanks' ceiling fills your vision, as you glance to the side, bringing a hand up to your head, in an attempt to soothe the throbbing pain.

"So... you're awake?" A familiar voice asks, making your eyes shoot open. You sit up quickly, your blurryness adjusting to the room, as you spot Shanks standing at the foot of the bed, in nothing but his boxers, with his red hair messy, and visable marks across his body. He smirks as he runs the back of his neck, as the blanket falls from your neck, exposing your chest to him. He smirks at the sight, and winks at you, smiling as he points a finger at the exposed skin.

"Nice sight to wake up to." Shanks says, smiling as he leans back, holding his arm above his head, so his back can pop, unintentionally giving you a view of his shaven chest, and visable muscles. Shanks smirks as he walks over to his closet, grabbing a shirt and slipping it on, buttoning the front as he turns back around, staring at you as he finishes putting on the white clothing.

"What do you remember about last night?" Shanks asks, raising an eyebrow as he tosses a extra shirt to you, which you quickly slip on, covering your exposed chest. You lean back, rubbing your temples as you rack your brain for information. Saké, kissing, more kissing, kissing his chest, kissing, and...a love confession. You lean forward, lightly slapping both cheeks, as you start mumbling, barely audible to Shanks.

"Kissing...and you saying you loved me...in the heat of the moment." You say, rubbing your arm as Shanks rolls his eyes, stepping forward and dropping down onto the bed, still in his boxers. Shanks throws his legs onto the bed, as he leans back on his palm, his red hair swaying as the ship rocks gently. Shanks slowly speaks, his face growing slightly more red then before, as he speaks.

"I...guess this is as good a time as any. I wasn't lying, or saying in the heat of the moment. You are special...I can't get you off my mind. I thought it was because I find you attractive, so I tried to find people that looked like you...but it didn't work. Even after last night...it didn't help. I think...I love you..." Shanks says, blushing as his face goes from a small smirk to stoic, as he awaits a response.

"I...I...What?" You stammer out, giving the red-haired man the wrong impression, taking it as a rejection, he slides off the bed, rubbing the back of his neck as he triedms to think of a way to fix the scenario, until you stop him by darting up, tackling him in a tight hug. Shanks looks down, as you lunge forward, smashing your lips to his. Shanks eagerly returns the kiss, as he brings his hand up to caress your face, a feeling you'd grow accustom to soon enough.

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