The start of it all

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        The four friends decided on going to the bronze after school the next day, Buffy wanting to study for French as well as hoping Angel might show, considering he didn't come over last night. As a stressed Buffy and Willow set at a table, covered in books with Xander and Taylor on the dance floor. Xander drags Taylor to the table to convince the girls to join them. 

 "Please come dance, Xander keeps whining about you guys being party poopers." Taylor says. 

"Well, we're studying." Willow tells them. 

"Come on, one dance." Xander says. "You've been studying nearly twelve minutes." 

 "No wonder my brain is fried." Buffy says, setting her pencil down and getting up, dragging a protesting Willow to the dance floor. As they all begin dancing, completely oblivious to the new bleached blond vampire in town, watching them, watching Buffy. Taylor moves around and takes Willows hands, them dancing together. Then the dancing gets cut short as the vampire calls out, getting all four's attention. 

"Where's the phone. I need to call the police. There's some big guy out there trying to bite someone." He says and Buffy takes off as well as Taylor grabbing the bag on the way out the door. Buffy gets outside and pulls the vampire off a girl and a fight ensues. Taylor arrives just a moment later, bag in hand, searching for a stake. Willow and Xander come out and Buffy tells them to take the girl. 

 "And a stake would be nice!" Buffy says, in between punches. 

"I'm looking! You have far too much shit in here!" Taylor says rummaging. The vampire calls out for "Spike", looking directly behind Taylor.  She turns to look but she sees no one. Little did she and her sister know that this Spike who called out in the bronze, was hiding in the shadows, just inches away from Taylor. Finally, Taylor finds the stake and throws it to Buffy who catches it and stakes the vampire. As soon as she stakes him, both girls here someone clapping, coming from behind Taylor. Taylor immediately rushes to Buffy's side. 

  "Nice work, love." The new vampire said. 

"Who are you?" Buffy asks, moving in front of Taylor. 

"You'll find out on Saturday." He speaks. 

"What happens on Saturday?" She asks. 

"I kill you." He states and walks away. 

"Cocky much?" Taylor asks. 


The following night, they all file into the library, Ms. Calander included, telling Giles about the new vampire in town. "Spike... That's what the other vampire called him?" Giles asked. "it's a little unorthodox, isn't it?" 

"Oh very. I think it's kind of cringey. I mean these vampires pick the strangest names to go by." Taylor says. 

"Maybe he's reform." Buffy says. 

"Perhaps he went by another name in times past." Giles says. 

"Well, whoever he is, we'll need all the help we can get come this Saturday." Ms. Calander says. 

"So, this night of St. Vigeous deal, if they're going to attack in force, aren't we thinking vacation?" Xander asks. 

"I'm always thinking vacation." Taylor says. 

"We can't run. That would be wrong. Could we hide?" Willow asks, turning to Buffy. 

"I don't see a difference in that." Taylor says. 

"I mean if that Spike guy is leading the attack...yeee!" Willow shivers. 

"He's not that scary, in my opinion. You'll be fine Buff." Taylor says to her sister. 

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