Chapter 1: The Meeting

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I loved my new room in the palace. Upon my arrival in Sindria, I had been whisked away from the docks and brought to the magnificent building that overlooked the bustling city. I hadn't had much of a chance to look around as the attendants who had come to fetch me seemed flustered by some goings on in the palace. I wasn't able to pick up much but it sounded like someone had angered a princess of the Kou Empire... The whole ordeal didn't really bother me though. After spending weeks aboard a ship it was nice to settle down and not be constantly in motion.

I got up from where I had been sitting at my desk, writing a letter to my mother back home informing her of my safe arrival, and slowly walked around my room once again. It was lavishly decorated in the most current fashion; a large curtained bed next to the open balcony doors ensured that I would feel a lovely breeze if I desired it, and the rest of the furniture was beautifully carved out of mahogany and inlaid with soft gold patterns. I had insisted several large bookshelves be provided so I could continue with my studies in my new home.

I had been sent to Sindria as part of a deal struck between my father, the King of Lupian, and King Sinbad of the Seven Seas Alliance. Lupian was to become a new member of the Alliance, and as customary one of the royal children was sent to Sindria to be a vassal of the king. As the youngest daughter, I had been chosen. I had feared that being sent away from my home would be tragic and bitter, but in reality I was incredibly happy about the whole thing. As my ship had departed from the docks and I was waving goodbye to my parents and siblings, I found my heart racing at the prospect of going off to a foreign land and meeting new people.

I made my way out onto the balcony that gave me a lovely view of the forest between the palace and the sea. Tropical birds were calling in the trees and my bare feet sent little ripples across the puddle that had formed during the rain shower that had just ended. My long blonde hair flowed slightly in the light breeze. The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky a beautiful red-gold color. I leaned on the cool stone railing and took a deep breath, allowing the scents of the city to permeate my senses. Much like the famed Fanalis tribe, my people were descendants of a hunting tribe of the far north, rumored to be children of some long forgotten wolf deity. I smiled a little as the crisp scent of the ocean reached me and opened my brown eyes, which briefly flashes a bright gold. My lips curled back a little from my slightly pointed canines as my gently pointed ears picked up the sounds of the forest... We Lupians knew it to be more than just a rumor...

A strange new scent caught my attention and my gaze flicked down to the forest as I caught the glint of metal beneath a tree. My eyes narrowed as my keen gaze focused in on the man lying in the shade of the large tree. His golden armor was what has caught my attention. My eyes widened when I saw the brilliant red hair and powerful physique of the man, who was obviously a Fanalis. This must be the Fanalis that served under King Sinbad... I couldn't get a very good look at him from my balcony, but before I could vault the railing and get closer a soft knock came at my door.

"Lady Sabine? King Sinbad requests your presence," came a woman's voice. I gave one last glance at the sleeping Fanalis then shook my head. I was bound to meet him sooner or later anyway. I hurried to the door so as not to keep my new king waiting.

It turns out that the woman who has come to fetch me was Yamraiha, a magician and one of the Eight Generals of Sindria. We had instantly hit it off, and by the time we had reached the king's offices we were chatting happily like old friends. Yam smiled encouragingly at me before she opened the door and we stepped inside.

"Ah Lady Sabine, it's good to see that you arrived safely," said King Sinbad. He was sitting lazily at his desk, clearly ignoring the various documents that has been placed in front of him. I suppressed a giggle at the expression of the white haired man standing behind the King, whom I knew to be Ja'far, another of the Eight Generals and the king's right hand man. We had met during the king's visit to my home and had several pleasant conversations while my father and the King of Sindria has discussed logistics. Ja'far gave me a warm smile as I approached the King.

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