Information (Updated)

612 17 3

*Name*: (Y/N)

*Sibling*: Furina (Older Sister)

*Age*: 100 years old

*Vision*: Hydro

*Weapon*: Sword

*Appearance*: Short white hair mixed with light blue , blue coloured eyes, wears similar clothes as furina but instead wears a long black pants and black leather shoes, wears a tiny top hat and white gloves


Hello: Greetings. Are you perhaps new here? Or is it me who hasn't seen you yet. Ah- i forgot to introduce myself apologies. The names (Y/N). Pleasure to meet you.

When it Rains: Huh, it's raining. I heard that whenever it rains, the Hydro Dragon is perhaps sad..? To make it stop, they chant.. "Hydro Dragon...Hydro Dragon...dont cry..".

When it Snows: The snow is so thick. Shall we make a snowman?

When the Sun is out: Archons.. it's burning hot....Ugh.. i need something cool to drink later...

When the Wind is Blowing: The wind is blowing hard... hopefully we dont get hit by any flying objects...

Good morning: Good morning. Did you sleep well last night? Huh, that's good to hear. Anyways, what are we having for breakfast?

Good Afternoon: Good afternoon. Is there any sweets? Huh? No sweets? Not at the moment... Alright then. I'll be back later.

Good Evening: Good evening. I heard that the two great magicians, Lyney and Lynette are gonna perform tonight. Hmm? You dont have a ticket? Dont worry, I'll get you one.

Good Night: Good night...*Yawns* I'm tired from all the work today...almost everyday...

About (Y/N): Siblings
Being the sibling of the Hydro Archon, is something that I...uh....dont..know how to explain.. Not many people come to me for picures or autograths. I find that peaceful as there is less people to disturb me during one of my strolls. It's often me and my sister together or either alone. For some other times, we have a little tea party. Just to gossip about someone.


Elemental Skill: I


Elemental Skill: II

Too slow.

Elemental Skill: III

Out of the way!

Elemental Burst: I

May your sins be forgiven...

Elemental Burst: II

You dare to judge me?

Elemental Burst: III

Water shall rise upon you...

Opening Treasure Chest: I

Hmmm...I dont need this. It's up to you to decide whether to take it or leave it.

Opening Treasure Chest: II

I guess these are valuable.

Opening Treasure Chest: III

Cool. More Treasure.

Low HP: I


Low HP: II

Ok! Ok! It hurts!


I ain't giving up!

Ally at Low HP: I

Watch your back.

Ally at Low HP: II

Allow me to handle this.

Fallen: I


Fallen: II


Fallen: III

Am I.....disolving?.....

Heavy Hit Taken: I

I'm alright!

Heavg Hit Taken: II

That's it!

Joining Party: I

I'll lend a hand.

Joining Party: II

On your command.

Joining Party: III

Something giving you an ick?

(More coming soon)

Have a good day^

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