Act I (Stage 3)

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-Lumine's POV

"Ah, speak of the devil. Looks like you showed up at the right time to introduce yourself, Mister/Miss (Y/N)." Lyney said, looking at her/him with a smile on his face. "Waa! Why did you have to pop up like that..."Paimon gasped, surprised to even see her/him. 

" need to be surprised. The name is (Y/N). It's an honour to meet you both." She/He introduced, tipping her/his top hat. "I'm sure you're thinking that I might act similar to my sister,but surprisingly or not...No." Giving us a straight face.

"Huh, Paimon never knew you were the sibling of the Hydro Archon. And also, Lyney. I didn't know you were a magician! It sounds like you'll be performing at the Opera House, right?" Paimon asked, with excitement in her voice.

"Hehe, I just know a few simple tricks I use to make a living. Lynette is my assistant." "It will actually be my first time performing on the most prestigious stage in Fontaine, the Opera House." Lyney said confidently as he looked at a poster of the performance. "But isn't the Opera House where criminal trials are held in Fontaine?" Paimon asked, completely confused.

"Well, if there are no trials being held, the Opera House hosts a variety of other performances. To the people of Fontaine, the line between a trial and a performance can be a little.....blurred." (Y/N) explained. "And speaking of performances, I would be remiss to forgo this opportunity gifted by fate. Might I invite the two of you to see my performance?" Lyney politely asked, smiling at us.

"My brother's always excited to make new friends." Lynette groaned softly. "Oh, sure. We don't have anything to do now, and we wanted to go to the Opera House anyway." Paimon said. "I would be delighted." I said, giving him a smile. "Splendid! In that case, why don't you follow Mister/Miss (Y/N)? She/He will lead you the way. I just have something to take care of first..." He said, looking at (Y/N).

"Of course! I would be delighted to escort you both to the Opera House." She/He said, giving us a bright smile. "But, why don't we help Mister Lyney so that we can all go together?" She/He said, gazing at Lyney. "You really mean it? Then I'll take you up on your offer." Lyney said, pleasured by the lend of hand.

"This is a magical item known as a "Magic Pocket." Perhaps you can help me distribute them to the people here." He said, showing us an item.

"Huh? What are they going to use it for? " Paimon asked, confused by this. "About that.." Lyney thought. "You asked me before about the prophecy, right? Let me start by telling you a little more about what it entails." He said as he began to explain.


-(Y/N)'s POV

After helping Lyney giving out the Magic Pocket to the citizens, we grouped up at the back of the Harbor.

"Wait...Shh! Have you noticed that person over there? The young girl." Lyney whispered as he stopped us from moving or making a sound. "Huh? What's wrong with her? Paimon didn't notice anything." Paimon said, confused about this. "Heh, she's obviously a thief." Lyney said. "Magicians and theives practice similar methods. We divert attention, and a distracted audience is one wont discover what you're really doing." He explained. "Watch her movements carefully." As we watched her, she began to pick pocket a person. She looked around, hoping nobody had seen her. I narrowed my eyes, gritting my teeth. "Oh, he's right!" Paimon yelled, surprised. "Shh! Keep your voice down..." Lyney shushed her. "We need to think of a way to catch her, but it seems she's very alert. Perhaps we should split up."

"You three can ride the lift over there and wait up top. I bet that'll be her escape route if she tries to run." Lyney said. "Understood" both me and the Traveler spoke. "Alright, let's go"

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