A Confined Week

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     The first question that came to Sirus' mind was obvious, however, he still wanted to ask it anyway. "There is no way I get to leave here, is there," A sigh escaped from his lips.

     "On the contrary," The headmaster told him, his smile getting wider, "If you pass our school, and work for us, you will have complete freedom, a paycheck, and access to much more resources and information than the average person." 

     "What?" The words were out of Sirus' mouth before he realized what he said, "What's stopping anyone from just leaving then?"

     "You won't want to, trust me," Headmaster replied, shifting his weight over to his other foot.

     Sirus was already on to his next question, not noticing that he was most likely lying, "What's the actual reason to put me in solitary confinement?" He figured they wanted to make him desperate for anything they gave him, but he wanted to hear what the man had to say.

     "To adjust, Sirus," He said, "We know this can be a difficult process for you guys, but it will all get better from here." For some weird reason, he highly doubted that. "What's your next question?"

     "Why the all-white walls?" Sirus blurted. They were seriously creeping him out. The clean shine of them along with the buzzing was... nerve-racking.

     The headmaster chuckled at that. "My predecessor thought it would help give the place a clean appearance, which it did. However, the entire place isn't all white, don't worry. Just this section." There was some relief upon hearing that.

     Sirus looked down upon his hands, thinking. What else did he want to ask? He could feel the headmaster's eyes upon him, waiting. A homesick feeling crashed upon him. Suddenly, he didn't care about knowing more right at this moment. 

     "Let's just get this over with."

     The headmaster nodded his approval. "Alright. Meals will be here three times a day. I will see you in a week." He turned around, letting the door click shut behind him. With that, Sirus was alone. He didn't mind though. The headmaster was poor company.

     His thoughts were slowly going quiet though. A vigorous feeling that he wanted to be back with his mother was eating through him, taking up the space his thoughts normally occupied. He went to lay back on the back, shutting his eyes. His body was tense, even though the bed supported his weight. The buzzing of the lights continued on, not caring what was going on in Sirus. This made his state painfully worse.

     A few hours passed as he lay there. Eventually thoughts flooded his mind once again. He wondered how much he would have to change to get back home. He wondered if he would really learn magic. If they would try to make him do to someone else what they are doing to him.

     And the worst part? He had a feeling that the worst was yet to come. Sirus remembered his reoccurring dream. Would that happen here...?

     He hoped not.

     The air grew chillier as he lay there. He wasn't sure if it was due to inactivity, or if it might be a way to track the passing of time. Maybe they turned down the AC when it was nighttime. Or maybe they were just trying to disorient him more. 

     His eyes opened. After stretching, he sat up, only to immediately notice a tray of food sitting next to the door. They were already using magic.

     This was hard for him to digest. Magic truly was real and he kept seeing proof of that. They weren't even going to try to hide it from him.

    Before he knew it he had walked over to the tray of food on the ground. He had it in his hands. His eyes narrowed in on the tray, it was shaking. Fuck, he was shaking. He knew he didn't have to be stronger than this, but he wanted too. He didn't want to show these people anything they might perceive as weakness. He refused to be shaking in front of them. 

     Right then and there he decided this wouldn't happen again. The smell of the food made him a bit sick, but he needed the strength it would give him, so he brought it back to the bed. Sirus raised the sandwich they gave him to his lips. He took a slow bite, building his resolve. He was going to eat. He was going to stay strong, and he was going to get out of this mess.

     Every bite he ate gave increased Sirus' determination. If anyone could make it out, he could. Or at  least, that's what he told himself.

     Soon enough he had eaten everything on his tray. He placed it by the door where he had found it, and went to look at the collect of books left in his room. He once again thought that it was nice they had left him something to do. 

     He grabbed a book and began reading until his eyes couldn't stay open anymore. Blackness claimed Sirus, and his snores echoed around the room.

     He awoke a few hours later with a start, sitting straight up in his bed. Confusion didn't cloud his mind this time, and his headache was fully gone. 'Day one completed,' he thought to himself. Breakfast sat once again by the door. His old tray was gone. How kind of them.

     He stared at the white walls some more while he ate. After he was out of here, Sirus vowed to never look at a white wall again. He was already fully tired of them. Breakfast was cold and tasteless in his mouth. Oats and a banana. What a meal. He drank the water they provided and decided to go back to the book he was reading last night. He already knew this was going to be a very long week. Might as well make the most of it though and just relax and read. 

     So this became Sirus' routine for the next week. Eating when food was presented, showering when he felt the need, and then reading between naps. 

     Boredom crept in on day 5. He started running in place in his room, doing pushups and situps. Anything to break out of the monotonous atmosphere that this room presented, Plus, getting his body fit would most likely help him in the days to come.

     The odd thing was, the amount of food that came increased once he started exercising. Sirus realized this meant he was being watched. This made him angry. They put him in solitary confinement and didn't even leave him truly alone. When he looked however, he spotted no cameras. More magic.

     It felt like a lifetime, but the morning of day eight finally came. He stretched, glacing over at the door, waiting. Finally, the door reopened, and when it did, Sirus felt ready to face whatever challenges this place presented him. He was ready to do whatever it took to escape.

     The headmasters fake smiling face appeared in the white doorframe.

     "You ready to meet the others, Sirus?"



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