Chapter 12: Tikal's Message

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As the Sonic family and their allies sought out Tikal, the guardian of the Master Emerald, a profound stillness settled around the ancient shrine where the emerald rested. Knuckles, guided by his duty as the guardian, approached the sacred gem, and a gentle voice echoed in his mind—Tikal's telepathic communication."Knuckles, guardian of the Master Emerald, hear my words," Tikal's ethereal voice resonated in the quiet space.Knuckles bowed his head, acknowledging Tikal's presence. "I'm listening, Tikal. What guidance do you offer?"Tikal's voice carried a weight of wisdom and foresight. "You possess the power to bring Sonic back, but the threads of fate weave a complex tapestry. I implore you, wait for a year before invoking the Master Emerald's resurrection. In that time, two more Mobians, each stronger than Eclipse, will emerge."Knuckles, though conflicted by the urgency to bring Sonic back, understood the gravity of Tikal's message. "Why a year, Tikal? What awaits us in that time?""The balance of power in the universe is shifting, and cosmic forces are at play," Tikal explained. "In a year's time, the convergence of destinies will birth two individuals destined to stand against the encroaching darkness. Their strength will be a beacon of hope, and together, they will form a bulwark against the rising threats."Serena, who had been standing nearby, overheard Tikal's message through the telepathic link. She turned to Knuckles, her eyes filled with both hope and concern. "Knuckles, as difficult as it is, we must trust Tikal's guidance. Sonic sacrificed himself for a reason, and if there's a chance to bring him back with the support of these new allies, we have to take it."Knuckles nodded solemnly, accepting the weight of the decision. "Tikal, we will wait for the appointed time. We trust in your wisdom and the destiny that unfolds."Tikal's presence in Knuckles' mind faded, leaving behind a sense of both reassurance and anticipation. The Sonic family and their allies, now armed with the knowledge of the coming allies and the promise of a brighter future, faced a year of challenges and preparation. The fate of Sonic and the world hung in the delicate balance of time and destiny.

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