Chapter 13: Tikal's Revelation

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In the solemn quietude of the shrine, Tikal's voice once again resonated in Knuckles' mind, offering further insights into Sonic's fate."Knuckles, there is more you need to know," Tikal's ethereal voice echoed. "In Otherworld, Sonic is embarking on a year's worth of training. The spiritual realm is a crucible of growth, and Sonic will harness its transformative power to ascend to new heights."Knuckles, absorbing this revelation, felt a mix of relief and curiosity. "Training in Otherworld? What kind of challenges will Sonic face, and how will it prepare him for the threats that await?"Tikal's response held a sense of reverence for the spiritual realm. "Otherworld is a place where time and space transcend the limitations of the mortal realm. Sonic will face trials that test not only his physical prowess but also his character and resolve. The energies of Otherworld will sculpt him into a beacon of strength and virtue."Serena, who had been listening to Tikal's words, spoke with a mixture of awe and hope. "So, Sonic is not lost to us. He's undergoing a transformation that will make him even more formidable. We just need to trust in the process."Tikal's voice conveyed a sense of assurance. "Indeed, Serena. Sonic's journey in Otherworld is a path of self-discovery and empowerment. When he returns, he will bring with him not only enhanced abilities but also the wisdom gained from his trials."As Knuckles processed this information, he couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope. Sonic's sacrifice, though painful, was not in vain. The training in Otherworld promised a Sonic who would rise stronger, more resilient, and better prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.With Tikal's guidance, the Sonic family and their allies embraced the knowledge that Sonic's absence was part of a grander plan—one that would ultimately lead to the resurgence of their iconic hero. The year of waiting took on new significance, as it became a time of preparation for both Sonic's return and the arrival of the two powerful Mobians prophesied by Tikal.The shrine, once shrouded in grief, now resonated with a quiet resolve. The Sonic family and their allies stood united, ready to face the trials of the coming year and the destiny that awaited them beyond.

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