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TW: Domestic violence, Strong language.


It was recently revealed to the members that Jin had a girlfriend. They were the first to know and promised not to tell anyone. The first thing the members asked was how they met and how long they'd been a couple. Jin revealed that they met through online video game streaming and she lived not too far. They had been texting and hadn't actually even met in person yet, but Jin liked her so much he asked her out before someone else could.

"You asked her out over the video game?" Taehyung asked, trying to hide his laugh. Jin admitted that's what happened.

"You're so romantic," Hobi giggled.

Jin couldn't help but laugh with embarassment, but he expected the members to tease him about it. They had more questions like why he liked her, if he knew what she even looked like (to which he said they had video chatted a few times), her name, how old she was.

"Her name is Nari, and she's my age."

"Aww man, does that mean we're going to have to listen to her too?" Jungkook joked.

"It's not like any of you listen to me! So what difference does it make?!"

All of the members continued to joke and tease their oldest hyung, but deep down they were all really happy for him. As long as he was happy, that's what mattered to them.

It wasn't long before Jin asked Nari to come over to the house and have dinner with them. He begged his members not to embarrass him and they promised they wouldn't. Nobody went out of their way to embarrass him, but simply acting like themselves seemed to stir up some judgment from Nari.

Between the maknae's running around the house playing, Namjoon breaking at least three different cups, Yoongi complaining about the maknae's, and Hobi laughing a lot, Nari was annoyed.

She kept her mouth shut about it while over and didn't stay long. After leaving, Hobi said he thinks dinner went well and she seemed nice. "A little quiet though. But she's really pretty! What a score, hyung!" Hobi started clapping and Jin felt his cheeks turn red. He also felt like dinner went well. The members said they were glad to meet her and reiterated that they were happy for him. It wasn't until later into the night when she texted him.

Nari: Are they always like that?

Jin: Who?

Nari: All of them...

Jin: Well, I think everyone was excited to meet you that's all..

Nari: You did nothing to calm anyone down. It was overwhelming and chaotic. And honestly the food you made wasn't that good either I just didn't want to say anything in front of them.

Jin felt his heart sink and he didn't know how to reply. He was upset that she didn't hit it off well with his dongsaengs, and upset that she didn't actually like the food he had cooked. It was still such a new relationship and he felt terrible, so not wanting to fight with her he immediately apologized.

Jin: I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me. I swear they won't be like that again and I will cook something else from now on.

Nari: I'm going to bed.

Jin: I'm sorry..

After getting no reply, Jin put his phone down and cried himself to sleep. He couldn't help but also feel a little bit angry at the others for acting in a way that annoyed Nari. So the next morning he told them what she said.

Namjoon was the first to come to everyone's defense. "We didn't act any differently than we usually do. So I don't know what her problem is. Also your cooking was delicious so I think she might be a bit delusional."

BRO/KEN [Jin x BTS]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن