the potion prt.5

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The air in the makeshift alchemy lab hung heavy with anticipation as Donkey and I meticulously crafted the fantastical potion. Mike Wazowski's pubic hair, and cum plucked from Jack Sparrow's balls – the concoction was a fusion of the absurd and the sticky. The final drops dripped into the vial, shimmering with the promise of severing ties with the ogre that had entangled our lives.

Excitement mixed with trepidation as we gazed upon our creation. This elixir, born of cum and hair, was the key to liberating ourselves from Shrek's looming presence once and for all. As we contemplated the potion's potential, an unexpected revelation unfolded.

The air in the room shifted, and there, in the grand bed of the White House, lay Shrek, his massive frame adorned with a big pregnant belly. A sight so surreal it bordered on disgusting. Next to him, Obama slumbered, oblivious to the imminent upheaval our potion promised.

With a careful precision that mirrored the delicacy of the potion-making process, we approached the sleeping ogre. The potion, now sealed within a syringe, held the power to disrupt the magical ties that bound us. Without a moment's hesitation, we administered the elixir, watching as it trickled into Shrek's asshole.

Suddenly, the peaceful slumber turned into a chaotic frenzy. Shrek convulsed violently, his roars and grunts filling the room. The potion worked with an intensity we hadn't anticipated, and we found ourselves hastily retreating to a concealed corner of the room.

As Shrek's tumultuous awakening echoed through the White House, Obama stirred. Confusion etched across his face, his eyes widened at the sight of Shrek's distress. Panic set in as Obama, now fully awake, tried to comprehend the chaos unfolding beside him.

Quakity and Donkey exchanged wary glances. The plan had worked, perhaps too effectively. Obama shouts for help pierced the air, summoning assistance to the scene. Sheena, frantic and concerned, rushed to the room, witnessing the distressing sight of Shrek writhing in pain.

The hospital became the next destination, a hurried attempt to salvage a situation spiraling out of control. We knew, however, that the concoction's potency had exceeded expectations. As Obamas pleas echoed through the corridors, a sinking realization settled in – our plan, meant to sever ties, had inadvertently set in motion a series of events that would forever alter the course of our intertwined destinies.

 Quackity X obama X sherk fanfic (based off semi true story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora