Mourning prt.7

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The shadow of Shrek's passing cast a melancholic pall over our lives. Donkey and Obama, both grieving in their own ways, mirrored the heaviness that had settled within me. The absence of donkeys old friend left an unmistakable sadness, and in the quiet moments, the echoes of his laughter seemed like a distant memory.

Amidst the shared sorrow, Obama approached Quakity with a proposition – a plea to rekindle our marriage and raise the green pudgy baby together. The weight of his words hung in the air, a delicate dance between the past and an uncertain future. However, trust, once shattered, proved difficult to rebuild, and I found myself torn between the possibility of a renewed family and the lingering doubts that shadowed my heart.

Unable to commit to Obamas proposition, I sought refuge in the shared grief with Donkey. In the quiet spaces of our mourning, our connection deepened, evolving into a comforting companionship. As days turned into months, the boundaries between friendship and something more blurred, and I found myself drawn to Donkey in ways I hadn't anticipated.

Emotions, elusive and complex, wove a tapestry of vulnerability within me. The shared laughter, the quiet conversations, and the unspoken understanding became the foundation for something deeper. The line between friendship and love blurred, and as I grappled with this realization, the warmth of affection blossomed into a profound connection.

In a moment of vulnerability, I admitted my feelings to Donkey. The air between us crackled with anticipation as I bared my heart, unsure of what his response would be. To my relief and joy, Donkey's eyes mirrored the emotions I struggled to articulate. In that shared moment of honesty, the barriers between us dissolved, and our embrace became a testament to a mutual love that had emerged from the ashes of shared grief.

As Donkey and I navigated this newfound connection, the weight of uncertainty lifted, replaced by a sense of hope that emerged from the depths of our shared pain. The journey ahead was uncharted, but with love as our compass, we embarked on a path where companionship and understanding would be the guiding stars.

 Quackity X obama X sherk fanfic (based off semi true story)Where stories live. Discover now