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I'm writing this on my computer to I don't have that fanart sorry.This was surgested by CanIhavecake and this is linked to my saga spin off Fandom school in rainbow friends and my dark side if you like this ship and if you want to see the fanart go to CanIhavecake's page on with the chapter.

Meme]I have a ash ship that is going to purify our eyes after what we just witness.

Kiki]Well what is it?

meme shows us the picture and everyone's eyes and mesmerised everyone.

Meco]It is amazing.

Meme]I know right

Nightmare]It reminds me of my relationship with star.


Reaper]This is very good

Hopps]Awesome pic

Sea]Now I have hope for humans


Kiki]The last one made me lose hope for humanity.

Everyone else]same

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