Chapter 1

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7 years later

I check myself over one last time before opening my door to be greeted with, "Daphne, Iris, you must make haste!"

I can't help the chuckle that leaves me as I make my way to the stairs with Alice following behind me, making sure that no one steps on the train of my white and gold dress. Eloise, Gregary, and Hyaciath are at the foot of the stairs. Along with Benedict and Colin stand halfway between them and the door, "Is this fast enough for you, cousin?"

Everyone's head turns toward me, "Iris," Benedict steps forward and helps me down the last few steps, "Are you ready? Nervous?"

"Yes, but I am a bit nervous."

"You have nothing to worry about," Colin states quickly. Both of them, knowing how much I hate things like this, "We will be in the crowd and will join you as soon as everything is done."

Aunt Violet and Daphne soon joined us, and we quickly made our way to the palace. Anthony met us there and took Daphne and me each, one ether arm. However, he must soon leave us and take the rest of the family to watch the ceremony. Perfect dresses, hair, and feathers are the choice of weapons for this battle. I can feel as people staring at me. Everyone knows that I am the cousin and ward of the Bridgertons. The women of the Ton will not like having another head in the game. The men we will have to see. Uncle Edmund kept me owning my father's estate a secret. Most people think that it went to my uncle. The most that anyone will know is that my dowry is 15,000 pounds. 

I watch as groups of mothers and daughters leave the room we are in. Aunt Violet checks us over one last time. I watch as Daphne and Aunt Violet are announced. I only get a second to watch them as the door closes once more. However, I know by the way they come back through the door that it went well, "Ready, my dear?"

I simply nod as I hear my name announced: "Miss Iris Bridgerton, presented by her aunt, the Right Honorable Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton."

The doors opened, and I started walking towards the Queen. She is sitting alone but is watching me like a hawk, as everyone else is. As I reach my mark, I drop into a curtsy and wait for some signal to rise, "Miss Iris Bridgerton," Queen Charlotte starts, "Your father was Brigadier General William Bridgerton."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

She motions for me to raise, "Your father surprised many people when he made his way through the ranks. He is missed dearly by those he worked with."

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

"I am glad to count you as one of the Ton."

With a nod of her head, I give another curtsy and start the journey back down the same hall as before. Aunt Violet whispers to me to keep smiling and that I was being watched even more than before. All I can think about is that Queen Charlotte just did. She called me part of the Ton. No one could say a thing against me now in that aspect but it also means that more men will be looking at me, and the ladies have more of a reason to hate me.


One of the Ton. Queen Charlotte officially made me part of the Ton. Dinner that evening was filled with Aunt Violet discussing dresses and parties with me and Daphne. Anthony had quickly left after dinner, leaving Benedict and Colin as the only men to join our conversation. Well, more so to leave funny comments about dresses and said parties to come. I slip out of the drawing room and downstairs through a side door to our small private gardens. Taking a seat on one of the two swings, I look up at the night sky, enjoying the stars. 

"What do you see tonight," Colin asks, taking the other swing. 

"I am simply enjoying the stars tonight. Not looking for anything specific."

"Your parents would be proud of you," he sighs, "Not for officially getting the queen's praise, but for the lady you have become."

"Thank you, Colin. Uncle Edmund and Aunt Violet had to do with that. They could have easily thrown me out or left me at my country estate with a governess. Instead, they took me in. I miss them both," I whispered closing my eyes, "Both my father and yours."

Colin takes my right hand into his left and gives it a squeeze, "He thought of you as one of his own. He would be proud of you as well."

The night air is still crisp, so we head back inside shortly. Alice is waiting for me at the stairs and helps me get ready for bed. With the start of the season, any night that was not to be spent out would mean an early rest so that I could still rise at day break for my ride. The only ones who know about this are Benedict and Colin. Much to their disapproval, I go only with Alice. On a rare occasion, one of them joined me. 

So, in the early morning fog, I set out in grey riding clothes and a cloak. Alice matches me only in a shade of blue.  We don't ride for long as we have to get back before any of the house servants are up. I slow when we reach the point of needing to turn around, but something or someone is not too far off, "Alice, we should turn around now."

Taking one last look behind me, I happen to see who it is. Anthony. Taking off at full speed, hoping to avoid him, "You there! Wait!"

Alice and I quickly cut through the woods in the hope of losing him. However, as we pop out on the other side, we are greeted by Anthony, looking very angry, "Good morning, cousin."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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