sad drinking night

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It was a night at Jin's cabin. Drinking was on the chart tonight. Batda couldn't open the bar since it was a thing with his business. So Jin invited everyone to her cabin to drink.

As usual, Jin kept close to Yu. Her arms wrapped around her, kisses, all the lesbian shit. Damn was like him, and Carlos was in the dust.

I mean, Kirashi isn't a thing anymore to get in the friendship, so why keep ignoring us, Jin?! But it was just his opinion and thoughts. He just wished every moment she wasn't constantly worrying about her

She's 23rd on the chart, I'm sure the big bitch can take care of herself.

The night went on with everyone getting drunk and watching TV, Keigo ended up throwing himself at Kamui, which in return got Kamui's quirk to activate and destroyed a wall.

While Rumi and Carlos were trying their best not to make out in Jin's kitchen. Because, with all those knifes and skull decorations. It end up going into someone's skin.

Inoka yawned as he was only a bit buzzed, not in a confused state where he was cursing and not being able to stand. But when he looked around the room he couldn't find Jin. He raised an eyebrow as he was confused

Yu was in a recliner chair, holding a bottle of beer in her hands, clearly out of it. So, her and Jin weren't fucking. Neither was her or Kamui since he's halfway in a wall with Keigo

Inoka stood up with a groan as he had to ask Yu where she was. Hell, with the way their always by each other, it's probably a spiritual attachment and yet it's not with Carlos, considering his a fucking ghost and they lived together for about 5 years!

"Hey Yu, do you know where Jin is" Inoka asked as he looked down at Yu, who looked back up at him with a drunken glare.

"How should I know... probably off being  a howling mess" Yu said, Inoka was shocked at first but, than remembered that she acts more like a bitch when drunk.

"Giant bitch..." Inoka groaned under his breath as he walked around, going to Jin's bedroom to see if she was there. No,  Inoka then checked the other bedrooms to see if she ended up falling on someone's bed. No

Inoka then walked outside to the front porch and saw Jin. Leaning against a wooden pillar. Breathing heavy with a bottle of Gin in her hand, ironically...

Inkoa was confused but then saw the throw up. Inoka winced a bit, but, hey, she's probably not feeling well.

"Hey, you okay, sis?" Inoka asked as he walked up and put his hand on Jin's shoulder. Jin jumped a bit as she turned her head to show tears running down her face with some throw up on her chin

Inoka backed up a bit since Jin wasn't okay, Jin sniffed a bit with her whipping her mouth and breathing heavy.

"Yeah I'm fine just, being the sad bitch I always am. Hahahaha..." Jin said as she smiled drunkly. Inoka sighed as he put down his drink on the small table, as he held both of Jin's shoulders and sat her down on the edge of the porch.

"Hey, it's alright. When I saw you not inside, I thought you'd be kissing Yu somewhere..." Inoka said, groaning at the kissing bit. He's still just pissed off at their relationship

After everything, she falls for that kind of woman. Inoka just doesn't like those kinds of attention seaking bitch.

"Well, not when she's drinking..." Jin said as she looked away, her back bent and forearms on her knees. Definitely not when she's drinking

"I mean, haha! It's just funny to think at how much your relationship has gone on for, I mean, hell, it's like we don't exist anymore" Inkoa said as he leaned back a bit, using his arms as support

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