Love Potion

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Any year is okay but I prefer the redo year when Voldy is gone

Harry and Hermione were in the library searching to find books for their O.W.L.S.

Hermione caught Romilda Vane staring deeply at Harry which made her remembered something very important


"Guys! Should I put love potion in chocolates?" The black curly hair girl asked to her friends

"For who?" They squealed

"Harry Potter of course" She exclaimed

"YESSS" They all yelled

End of flashbcks

"Harry?" She called

"Yes?" He replied still focusing on searching the books

"See Romilda Vane over there" She said pointing at her

"What about her?" He asked taking a slight glance at the girl

"I heard her this morning about giving you chocolates with love potion inside it!" She whispered

"Oh, don't worry, I don't take other people's gift except you, Ron, Ginny and other close friends" He replied

"Just throw them and don't let Ron see it too" She said and he nodded

Unfortunately for them, Romilda heard their little conversation and had a change of plan

She decided she will put the love potion in Harry's tea.

"Hello, Granger and Harry" She greeted in her seductive tone

"It's Potter for you" He snapped as he saw jealousy in Hermione's eyes

"Well, I brought tea for you" She said as 3 cups of tea appeared on her hands

"No thanks" Hermione said as she backed out

"No please try it, it's made from a family recipe which was created million years ago" She said as made the two drink the tea

After a few minutes, Harry's eyes lit up and dropped the cup

Romilda knew it worked

 Out of a sudden, Harry picked Hermione up from the leg which caused her to dropped the tea on Romilda who was now frowning

"What?! How is this possible? He was suppose to love me!" She yelled and stormed out of the library

Everyone was shocked to see Harry Potter on a love potion by Romilda Vane but he was loving Hermione Granger.

Made absolute no sense.

The news spread like wildfire and the library was now crowded with all the students that could fit.

The love potion lasts for atleast 1 week.

Harry picked Hermione up as she screamed like a little kid on a rollercoaster.

"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH HERMIONE JEAN POTTER!!!!"  He yelled as people were shocked hearing Potter instead of Granger

"Harry, we're not married" She pouted but secretly she was enjoying the attention she was getting

"Well that's gonna change, Hermione Jean Granger, will you marry me?" He said slowly dropping Hermione down

Hermione smacked him in the head

"Sorry, I'll get the rings and do a proper one" He said running to buy the rings

Hermione grabbed his arm but could not hold him

Damn, he was strong

"NO NO NO HARRY JAMES POTTER! YOU ARE NOT DOING THAT!!" She yelled making people jump even Madam Pince

Normally if any students shout like that, Madam Pince would kick them out but since it was Harry and Hermione ( the two students she shipped since their 1st year ), she didn't

Everyone laughed at the so called husband and wife

"Please, Herms, pwease" He said kneeling on the floor with puppy dog eyes

"No no no this not the time! If you asked me later, I would say yes" She said

As she said that Harry suddenly stood up and yelled "REALLY?!"

"Ah-huh" She said nodding

"GREAT I'LL GET THE RINGS RIGHT NOW" He exclaimed causing people to laugh like monkeys

The poor Hermione replied "Later and I'll say yes" 

"Well, I gotta prepare for later so I'll get the rings right-" He said then, got cut off

The only way to shut the idiotic Harry Potter is to kiss him so Hermione grabbed his head and kissed him on the lips.

Many people were shocked and gasped are heard everywhere

"You guys owe me 20 galleons, hehe" Luna said in her dreamy sing song voice

"That felt good, let's do that again" He said and kissed Hermione

Poor Hermione had to kiss him 24/7 everyday now.

But everyone knew that they secretly thank Romilda Vane for making this come true!

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