Chapter 37 - Court Time

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A/N: tests are over and this chapter took like the whole weekend to write. its bad ik. also SHOUTOUT TO Celesteeoooooo BECAUSE YOU ARE LITERALLY SO AWESOME IM NOT EVEN JOKING!! THANK YOU FOR THE FLUFF CHAPTER AND EVERYTHING IDK WHAT I WOULD DO IF I DIDN'T HAVE U IN MY LIFE

Alex's POV:

Today was the day my cousin gets divorced.

All this morning, he has been acting strange. I think the reality of getting divorced is finally cutting into him, so I tried my best to make him feel better.

I made breakfast, did the laundry, anything to get him from being more stressed out. I didn't like seeing my cousin like this. He was always a care-free man, funny and shit but now, it all seems so foreign to me.

I always saw Peter as the type who would never show his weakness. Someone who will say he's fine even if he was bleeding out. But this, this is a side of Peter I have never seen before.

We got in the car and began to drive to the court room in silence. Apparently, Mrs. Elizabeth would see us there and I wasn't sure how to feel.

The entire ride there was slowly crushing Peter up. I could tell because he almost got into 3 car crashes in the span of ten minutes.

"Peter, calm down." I said after he swerved violently out of the way before almost colliding with another car.

"Stop telling me what to do." He muttered.


"No Alex. I know what your gonna say. It's not fine. I'm not fine. Nothing is going to be fine." He fumed, grabbing the wheel so tightly that his fingertips started turning white.


"Shut up Alex." He remarked, turning into the parking lot with a lot more aggression than necessary, and got out the car.

I frowned at his sudden outburst and quickly got out of the car so he wouldn't get madder at me. I hope Mrs. Elizabeth is holding up better.

Once we walked into the courtroom, Peter came face to face with Mrs. Elizabeth.

"Liz." He said breathlessly, all the anger from the car ride leaving him in a heartbeat.

"Peter." Mrs. Elizabeth said coldly then turned to me and greeted me with a smile. "Hey Alex. You doing okay?"

"Just fine." I said feeling like I was being treated like a child. I might be short but I'm 19 and my mind is older.

We all sat down on the seats outside the courtroom and waited. I drummed my fingers on my knees and pretended I was playing the drums until Peter cast me a disgusted look, so I stopped immediately.

"Don't stop." Mrs. Elizabeth said, placing her hand on my shoulder. "You were doing well."

I glanced at Peter who was shooting deadly glares at Mrs. Elizabeth and glanced back at her to see her doing the same to him. It seemed like they were having a miniature war that I was not very aware of so I just sat there and sunk further into my seat, wishing the ground will swallow me whole.

I could hear them bickering back and forth but I couldn't exactly comprehend what they were saying. I only repeated 'if this is what they are like now, what's it gonna be like in there?' in my head, the only source of noise that was able to block them out.

Soon an old man with a name tag with 'Gowan' on it came up to us and informed us that we may now enter the courtroom. Mrs. Elizabeth thanked him with a warm smile and entered, Peter followed suit. I watched as the man silently mocked Mrs. Elizabeth and I entered the courtroom, snickering slightly.

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