I am Invincible

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Evil Huey ( thinks to himself )Interesting there's a universe full of Mark Graysons that crazy ."
Evil Huey was reading Invincible comics.

Tauro: (standing before Evil Huey) So, what's the plan, Malevolent One? Are we truly going to conquer this Earth in search of the shard?

Evil Huey: (smirking) Oh, Tauro, my loyal ally. Conquer, destroy, or find. The choice is yours. The power coursing through your veins knows no bounds now. Use it to your utmost advantage.

Tauro: (grasping his kanabo tightly) I've tasted power, and I hunger for more. I will find that shard, regardless of the consequences. No one will stand in my way.

Evil Huey: (nodding approvingly) That's the spirit! Crush anyone who dares oppose you. The weak shall fall before our might. Remember, we are the agents of change, even if it means wading through a river of blood.

Tauro: (a wicked grin forming on his face through his helmet )Their feeble attempts to resist will be futile. I will leave a path of destruction in my wake until the shard is in my possession. No hero or alternate Mark Grayson can stand against me.

Evil Huey: (laughing ominously) Excellent, Tauro. Embrace your darkness. Together, we shall reshape this world and every other until they bend before us. The era of fear and chaos is upon us.

The dialogue reflects the dark and ambitious nature of both Tauro and Evil Huey as they set forth on their mission to obtain the shards and shape the world according to their twisted vision.

Killmonger ( furious )so why can't I go ?." I want to change the world too."
"Yeah, this world you might want to reconsider."
Killmonger saw him reading a comic book of Invincible.
Killmonger spent minutes reading it
Killmonger: strong as Superman and many more of them?
Evil Huey: Yes these Viltrumites are brutal and what makes this harder are Earth's defenders.
Evil Huey: We aren't a match for them so I leave it to Tauro.
Killmonger: Nigga  strength doesn't matter all about power and resilience and outsmarting your opponent ."
Evil Huey: well Tuaro went head to head with Superman and the entire Justice League so he can handle anything.
Killmonger: fine but if he dies should have sent me out there.
"Your just asking to be ripped apart ."

While Tauro has no intention to help the injured people around him, he still shows a sense of duty by holding up the collapsed bridge to protect some people.

He then saw a figure 50 ft away from him.
It was  Mark Grayson or alternate mark  20 an evil invincible.

Mark: what are you doing here? who are you?Tauro: I am The champion of worlds I'm looking for something else so go away your not worthy to fight  !! Mark smiles crazily: You here to conquer Earth huh? It's not yours to conquer

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Mark: what are you doing here? who are you?
Tauro: I am The champion of worlds I'm looking for something else so go away your not worthy to fight  !!
Mark smiles crazily: You here to conquer Earth huh? It's not yours to conquer ...

Mark: Time to surrender or die trying as a hero Earth is mine to rule ."
As the two face off, Mark confronts Tauro about his intentions to conquer

The Invincible War  (Tauro the champion /conqueror  )Where stories live. Discover now