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When Noah Sterecra started his morning, he didn't think he'd find himself in a private carriage with his parents, off to visit the house of his fiancée. He didn't want this, of course; it was his parents who arranged the marriage, he just turned 21, after all.

The young man stared from the small window as he ignored his parent's bickering about his problem of not having a love interest yet, Noah, on the other hand, could not care less about marriage. He'd rather be drowned in literature and books.

And just like that, they arrived at his fiancée's house— or shall he say mansion? Either way, the Sterecras stepped into the Měi Nà's property with the intention of marriage.

While most of the Sterecras look giddy, the Měi Nà s were disinterested, “Emma getting wedded to a Fish merchant, could it possibly get any worse?” Emma's mother, Genji scoffed.

Emma's father, Yúzé shook his head in disappointment, “Oh but it can; They can have not a penny to their name, like us.”

As soon as the doorbell rang, a Měi Nà butler opened the door, revealing Noah's mother, Parvati neatening Noah's attire.

“Fix your posture too, you look like you got rickets or something!” Parvati whispers, unfortunately, loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Ahem,” Genji cleared her throat, signalling that they were in the room. Noah's father, Vishnu was seemingly the only one who caught onto the tone.

“Er— Darling,” Vishnu called out, catching Parvati's attention.

Parvati exclaimed, “Oh! Pardon me.” She awkwardly chuckles.

The Sterecras walked into the mansion, the butler soon closing the door behind them. Parvati looked around the mansion's interior, “Oh, my goodness. Such grandeur, impeccable taste!”

Noah followed behind them and sighed inaudibly, his mother was trying too hard to please the other elders.

As the Sterecras came closer to the Měi Nàs, the butler introduced them, “Lord and Lady Měi Nà, Mr. and Mrs. Sterecra.”

Vishnu bowed slightly, “Why, you must be Miss Emma. Yes, I must say, you don't look a day over 20.” he said—” lied, in an attempt to be polite to Lady Měi Nà.

However, Genji didn't buy it, slightly scrunching her nose in cringe. Vishnu took the hint, “No? Oh, okay.” he awkwardly said.

Lady Měi Nà elbowed her husband, “Smile, Darling, smile.” she whispered as she noticed Yúzé's constant frowning.

Yúzé forced a smile, “Well, hello. What a pleasure, welcome to our home.” he mumbled, clearly not satisfied.

Parvati chuckled to be polite, “Thank you.”

“We'll be having tea in the west drawing room.” Lord and Lady Měi Nà started walking, “Oh, do come, it's just through there.”

The Sterecras looked around the interiors as they followed the owners, Parvati spoke, “I love what you've done with the place, who is your decorator?”

Their voices soon faded into the hallways as they continued to walk away.

Noah sighed and slowly followed them, he looked around the entrance too, it had a Victorian design.

He placed his hand down on a table. However, it appeared to be a piano as his hand accidentally pressed a note.

Noah turned his head to look at the piano, then to the hallway. They already went out of sight, they didn't even notice him missing.

He looked back to the piano, gently pressing some tiles experimentally before sitting down and playing a mellow tune.

Before he knew it, someone was behind him. He gasped and sat up so suddenly, knocking the chair onto the ground.

Noah placed the chair back up and stood up to face this lady stranger, “Do forgive me.” he said skittishly.

The lady giggled, “You play beautifully.” she smiled, her smile was as radiant as the sun.

Noah scratched his neck, “I— I do apologize, Miss Měi Nà. How rude of me to... well—” he looked back to the piano.

“Mother would never let me near the piano, she says it's too... passionate. Music is improper for a young lady.” Miss Měi Nà looked at him with a small smile.

Noah gulped, “If I may ask, Miss Měi Nà, where is your chaperon?” he nervously looked everywhere but her, of nervousness.

The lady walked closer to Noah, “Perhaps, given the circumstances...” she smiled gently, “You could call me Emma.”

Noah nervously laughed, “Yes, of course. Well— Emma,” he took a deep breath as Emma stepped closer, “Yes, Noah?”

“Tomorrow, we are to be m—” he stuttered, not seeming to be too comfortable around her.

Emma looked at him, “Married.” she finished his sentence. Noah fidgets with his hands, “Yes, married.”

Emma smiled softly at that and looked at the piano, “Since I was a child, I've dreamt of my wedding day.”

She sat down on the chair, “I always hoped to find someone I was deeply in love with, someone to spend the rest of my life with.” she gently pressed a few piano tiles.

“Isn't that silly?” Emma looked back at Noah.

Noah smiled, “Yes, silly—” he slapped a hand after realizing what he just said without thinking, “No— No, not silly at all, pardon me.” he hoped he didn't offend her.

He sat down as Emma smiled at him, giving the impression of being understanding to his simple mistake.

The awkward— yet, comforting tension was noticeable between the two.

Emma looked away from Noah and continued playing notes, Noah admiring her as she played.

However, the moment was ruined when Lady Měi Nà walked in the two of them, “What impropriety is this!? You shouldn't be alone together.” she exclaimed, shocking the both of them and making them stand up.

“Here it is, a minute before 5, and you're not even at the rehearsal!” she sighed and turned her back on them.

Lady Měi Nà turned her head to the side and looked at them from the corner of her eye, “Pastor Galswells is waiting. Come at once.” she furrowed her eyebrows and turned her head away, leading both of them to the room.

Hi guys! There's more to come, I just wanted to post atleast a little bit so I know your guys’ reaction! I recommend saving this fanfic to your library so you'll get reminded when I post a new chapter!

To be with The Dead ♡ DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now