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"Going somewhere?"

Santana and Luca froze in their tracks when Professor Snape's hard voice hit their ears. They slowly turned around, the taller of the two gulping under his cold stare. He approached them slowly with his arms folded across his chest, unamused eyes glaring down at the two teenagers.

"Being out past curfew is against school rules," Snape said, his eyes narrowing into slits. "This kind of thing I'd expect from Potter and his sidekicks, Weasley and Granger."

"Filthy mudblood," Luca muttered. "Stupid little Weasley. Pathetic Pottah."

"Silence, Miss Lestrange." Snape sent the sixth year a glare before looking at Santana. "I'm deducting 50 points from Ravenclaw," Luca smirked a little, "and 100 from Slytherin–"

"What?!" Luca scoffed.

"–for insubordination. I will be sending letters home to both your families, and you will both serve in after school detention for the next 3 days," Snape decided. "Now, back to your houses and not another word."

Santana chucked her shoulder hard against Luca's as they turned to walk back to their common rooms. "This is all your fault, Lucatic."

"My fault?" Luca scoffed and kicked Santana's shins. "You're the one who followed me!"

"You're the one who snuck out in the first place!" Santana grabbed Luca's shoulders and shoved her roughly onto the floor.

Luca whipped out her wand and fired a curse as a reflex. "Crucio!"

Santana cried out in pain, her body collapsing into the fetal position on the floor. She tried yelling for her to stop, but she couldn't get the words to fall past her lips. "St...St..."

Luca kept her wand outstretched as she stood up, keeping her focus on the suffering Ravenclaw. Her lips curled upwards, and her eye twitched. "If you know what's good for you, you will never do that again," she growled. She lowered her wand and kicked Santana in her ribcage. "Pathetic half-blood."

She turned and marched back to her common room. Once inside, she grunted in frustration and threw everything she laid eyes on, shouting every foul word she knew.

She was angry. If it wasn't for stupid Sanchez, she wouldn't have gotten caught. She never gets caught. It's always when other people are with her that her ability to fly under the radar is taken from her.

"Throwing a tantrum again, baby cuz?" Draco laughed as he appeared in the doorway from the boys' dorms.

Luca screeched and threw a green apple from the bowl on the coffee table at her cousin. Draco caught it and took a bite, which only irritated her further.

"What happened this time, Luke?" Draco asked through a mouthful of apple, an amused smirk on his face at the younger girl's anger. "You finally get caught worshiping the Dark Lord in the Forbidden Forest?"

"Detention." Luca flopped down on the couch with a huff. Draco laughed, and she sent him a glare. "Don't make me slap that smirk off your face, Draco."

"Go ahead and do it then." Draco cocked a brow, his smirk only widening when Luca stayed seated, a conflicting look falling over her face.

She was cruel, but hurting the only member of her family – besides maybe her Auntie Cissa – that showed her any kind of affection was a whole other level of brutal.

"I'd rather not," Luca mumbled. She looked away from her cousin and chipped at the black polish on her nails. "That's something our parents would do."

Draco smiled sadly. He sat down next to the brunette, and she leaned her head onto his shoulder. "Quite a rough deal we've been handed, huh, Luke? You a crazy mother, and me a father that's all buddy-buddy with the devil himself."

"Better not let good ol' Uncle Voldy hear you say that." Luca chuckled. "He might kill you."

"Avada Kedavra!" Draco mocked the Dark Lord's voice and pretended to point an invisible wand at his cousin, who burst out laughing. He smiled and nudged her with his shoulder. "Good to see you smiling for once."

"Don't get too used to it." Luca sighed. "Mother might kill me before you get the chance to see it again."

Draco put a protective arm around his baby cousin. "She'll have to get through me first. If she's gonna kill you, we might as well die together."

"Don't die for me, Draco." Luca shook her head and shrugged. "I'm not worth it."

"You're my baby cuz, Luca," Draco stated as he sat up, shifting so that he could face her better. "You're the closest thing to a little sister that I'm ever gonna get. You're the only one keeping me sane in this deranged family of ours. I assure you, you are worth it."

Luca smiled softly. She tucked her head into the crook of Draco's neck. "Family is a strong word...You're more family to me than my mum is. Not even Uncle Lu or Auntie Cissa are anywhere close to receiving that title. I feel like we're the only sane ones."

"Are you really sane if you're out every night in the Dark Forest practicing evil spells on the things that live there?" Draco teased, raising a brow.

"Oh, really? What about you? You fantasize about Pottah's death and spend your every waking moment making his life miserable."

"Someone has to remind that filthy half-blood and his little friends where they rank in the scheme of things." Draco shrugged. He rubbed Luca's back when she yawned. "You should get some sleep, Lukey. Long day tomorrow."

"I wish the night could last forever." Luca rubbed her eye tiredly as she stood up to walk to her dorm. "Life is always better at night."

Luca changed into a pair of black flannel pants and a baggy Slytherin House T-shirt. She brushed her teeth and tied her curls into a messy-bun before lying down in bed with Enigma. She looked out the window at the midnight sky, the stars above her mocking her with their freedom as they twinkled in the sleepless night.

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i know everyone is in love with draco, but he's always been more of an older brother figure to me next to the weasley twins

draco and luca's relationship >>>


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