1. Basics of reality shifting

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What is reality shifting?
A basic overview of reality shifting is being able to alter the reality you are experiencing to a reality you want to go to. The reality you shift to is just like your current one. It will feel real, be real etc. Remember, as soon as you create a dr, it exists. Think of shifting as going somewhere. Like going to the store or a friends house but I like to think of it as home. It's already there, you just have to get there. So read this guide to help you go and shift! Remember shifting is completely real, it's even been scientifically proven.

Shifting it limitless (aside from cross communication through realities and bringing stuff back from realities..stuff like that)

Is shifting safe?
Nothing bad can happen to you while shifting. Your subconscious just shifts to another reality. You can wake up just like normal. Your actual body does not move from the spot.

Common terms of reality shifting
DR- desired reality, the reality you want to go to/created

CR- your current reality

Minishift- shifting only for a short period of time like a few minutes or seconds

Method- a way of helping you get there

Affirmations- Positive statements to help you shift

Script/Scripting- Scripting is when you take time and plan your life in your desired reality (we'll learn about this in the next chapter, a template is in there as well)

How do I reality shift?
There's many ways you can reality shift and we'll be going over as many as I can. Reality shifting isn't complicated whatsoever, as it may seem.

Whatever information or tips you might have heard about shifting, remember that everything is optional. You do not need anything to shift, but yourself and your intention.

Safe words/ switch words
A safe word is a word that brings you back to your CR immediately. Your safe word can be anything you want, and don't worry about accidentally saying the word and going back. In order to go back you need to have intention behind the word to go back.

A switch word is for switching realities. You can just say to switch word to switch from your CR to your DR, it's for switching from DR to DR. Like say you accidentally went to a DR you didn't want to, you could say your switch word to shift to the DR you wanted to go to.

What is a DR?
It's the desired reality you choose to go too, and you intend and want to go to and/or create. You can create it with a script (I prefer a script so you can script some safety measures.) Remember as I said earlier, your DR exists as soon as you create it and you can create as many as you want. Now that it's already there and you've created it, you just have to go there. It's like going to a friends house or home. It's already there so think of it as easy to go there. A lot of people overthink it but it's really not that complicated.

How can I be safe in my dr?
When creating a script I'll put in the script writing category how to ensure safety in a dr. But it's scripting things like "I cannot become paralyzed or die or feel any pain" and you can also affirm those things while shifting

This was just the basics!!!!!!!!! Everything will be much more in depth as you continue.

The Ultimate Guide To Reality Shifting Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang