Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"It's not what you think!" Ash whisper yelled.

"That's what they always say!" Yelled Art angrily. The noise caused Athena to stir from her slumber.

Ash rubbed her back soothingly and continued to whisper, "first off shut up! She's sleeping. Second of all I didn't sleep with her or anything."

'Ash, she's in your clothes, soaking wet, in your arms, I'm your bed. Obviously something happened,' concluded Kas.

Ash shook his head. "You, Kas, of ALL people should know I would never do that to someone so innocent and kind!" He was angry now at their conclusions. They wouldn't even let him explain.

"Really Ash? You're pulling a guilt trip on your brother right now? After all he's done for you! It's you who should feel guilty! She's my best friend! You could have any girl but you pick her? How dare you Ash Fame!"

"I didn't do anything with her!" Protested Ash.

"Bull crap!" Yelled Art and ran from the room.

'I warned you Ash. I told you that she was off limits. This time you've gone too far. I suggest you find a way to fix this. If Art is mad at me because of you I will never forgive you Ash. Ever.'

Ash opened his mouth in shock. Kas was rarely angry but now he was furious. "You're wasting your anger Kaspar! This isn't what it looked like."

'Really? Then tell me Ashton exactly what this is,' demanded Kas.

Ash almost broke the code, but he didn't. He knew Athena had to give him permission or tell them herself. This was something big and not just a prank. This was serious. "I- I can't. It's not my story to tell."

'It doesn't even matter. The picture says it all.' With that his brother and best friend walked out of the room.

Ash sighed and looked at the peacefully sleeping girl in his arms an sighed. He hoped she hadn't caught a cold from whatever she had been soaked in. It hadn't been just plain water though.

Athena pressed herself closer to him splaying her fingers of her left hand along his chest while gripping his T-shirt with her other hand. Ash than began to wonder what had happened to her before she came to the school. The girl Art had always talked about was a confident, out going, and happy leader. This girl was shy and preferred to just blend in. That much was obvious with what she wore. Athena definitely had some curves but seemed to hide them with the hoodie. She had the most kind and beautiful face he'd ever seen. She was beautiful but he could tell that she didn't think so.

Again he found himself asking the same question he'd been asking himself for the past 24 hours. "Why do I care?" This time he didn't have an answer though; that made his stomach drop. What was happening?

Athena curled into the warmth. She was so comfy as her eyes fought to open her mind fought to stay sleeping. Her eyes won and slowly she opened them. She found herself in an unfamiliar room but that's not what caught her by surprise. It was the fact that she was entwined with another person- it was Ash. She gasped. How did she get here? Then she remembered; someone had tried to kill her. She began to tremble.

Ash felt her trembling and looked down to see that Athena was awake. Carefully, he pulled her into his arms and began to rock her softly. "Sssh it's okay. It'll be okay. You're safe."

"S- someone tried to k- kill me." she stated allowed.

Ash nodded sullenly. "Luckily I got there in time but barely. We will figure out who though okay? Don't worry. I'll find out and they will pay. You won't get hurt okay hun?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2013 ⏰

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