Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Athena nodded. "Those sound odd but fascinating."

Art nodded. "They are and we came here and are telling you this because you are one of us."

Athena shook her head in denial. "No. I can't be."

Art rolled her eyes. "Why on earth would we lie to you? I never have before."

"But.. But I'm just an under average girl. I'm no some special mythical creature."

"We actually call those Hidden Creatures. All the vamps, and weres, and us and stuff but never mind that now; you are definitely not normal. You are one of us. The high head masters sent us here to help you through the change and bring you back to school." Ash informed her.

Athena shook her head. "I'm not special but I guess if I change you're right." Before anyone could protest further the doorbell rang. "That'll be Rose. She's here to spend the night."

Art raised her eyebrows, "Since when are you friends with her?"

Athena didn't hesitate to respond. "Since you ditched me and everyone else scorned me." Then she answered the doorbell. "Hey Rose! Um I hope you don't mind but Art and two of her friends randomly showed up."

Rose beamed. "That's fine! The more the merrier! I like parties you know." She giggled. "I hope you don't mind but I ran into Greg on the way home and he begged to steal me away and I just didn't have the heart to compromise with him so I invited him over so I could see both of you." Athena's heart stopped but she forced herself to nod before letting Rose in.

"So um how about pizza for dinner?"

Rose smiled. "As long as you have salad with it too!"

Ash made a face. "Salad is rabbit food."

Rose shook her head. "No it's healthy and nonfattening."

Ash rolled his eyes. "Whatever I like me a girl that can eat a whole pepperoni pizza and then ask where the cheesy bread is."

Athena's mouth watered at the thought. She mentally slapped herself. She knew she would be eating salad as well.

Rose checked him out. "You're hot but I'm hotter and I stay that way by eating healthy."

Ash snorted. "No one is hotter than I am."

Artemis laughed. "We'll except your brother and me and everyone else."

Athena felt uncomfortable. She wasn't hot and she knew it. "I'm going to go get the menu and order." With that she walked into the kitchen.

"Don't forget the cheesy bread!" Ash reminded her. He really did love cheesy bread. He looked at Art before mental messaging her (a way to talk another Tangelka without actually talking) 'so isn't there another chick we are supposed to pick up?'

Art nodded. 'Yeah it's someone by the first name of Rose.'

'But you don't know her last name?'

'I... Forgot?' Art explained cheekily.

Kas mentally laughed. He may not talk aloud but he MMs. 'I can't remember off the top of my head. If I heard it I would know it was her or not.'

Rose interrupted the conversation that she didn't know was going on. "So Artemis do you want to introduce me to your friends?" She looked at Ash and Kas in a way that Ash thought a lion would look at its dinner.

Art cleared her throat and possessively moved close to Kas grabbing his hand. "This is my boyfriend Kaspar and his brother Ash."

Deciding to change the subject Ash yelled into the kitchen, "Hey A, do you have a yearbook?" He figured that a girl named Rose would be in the index and they can look her up.

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