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*Felix POV*

"It's time, all of the years of trainee days and a near missed debut and I am here. Me. An Idol? About to perform for the first time as an official Stray Kids member. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being a part of something like this"  I look over to Chan, he always makes me feel safe, as if I am with my family. Chan must have noticed that I was scared out of my mind... oh no do I look scared out of my mind.... "keep it together Felix" Chan gave me the most encouraging nod he could which somewhat settled the nerves. I just need to focus on my bandmates. I lock eyes with the others for encouragement and start to feel more at ease.. and then I lock eyes with him. Hyunjin.

Seeing his face brings back all of the nerves and the butterflies and I feel like I am going to be sick. As reassuring as Hyunjin was being it was not helping. Especially not with him looking the way he does. I think back to the first time I saw him. He looked so incredibly handsome, especially for a teenager. Come to find out he was scouted while out shopping because of his visuals, man does it show. He gives me that soft smile that makes my heart skip a beat. I have never understood why he makes me so nervous and so calm at the same time. I have always just admired his face, and that hair is the kind that could start wars. Wait... what am I doing, sounding like a simp when he is just my best friend..

I feel my face getting warm realizing how long I have been staring at Hyunjin, he is giving me a thumbs up with a concerned look on his face. I snap out of it just enough to give him a smile and a nod and then we get called to the stage. Its time.

*Hyunjin POV*

WOW I AM SO PUMPED, adrenaline rushing.... or maybe that is just the Americano I downed before we left...maybe both who knows. You would think someone who has been reassured multiple times that as the visual of the group I am not expected to stand out in anything but that has never been enough for me. I run through the choreo in my head. I have found that dancing is really a passion of mine and I have to say I have become quiet good for a boy who was simply meant to be pretty.

All of the others are working on preparing too before our first big show. We have come a long way really and looking around, I can't help but to be grateful for the little family we have built.

I lock eyes with Felix. He is such an angel. You would not think with a voice like his, which I so admire, that the person behind the voice is so adorable and sweet. I have really become protective of Felix. I don't know what it is but I always have a worry in the back of my head when I think about him getting hurt. He looks kind of worried.. I smile at him. We got this, we have worked so hard. A couple moments pass and Felix is still looking my way but seems to be lost in his thoughts... I hope he is okay... I know that once the performance starts he will really shine as usual but he puts so much pressure on himself all the time. I give him a thumbs up and knowing he can't hear me mouth if he is ok. What I get in return in the usual trying to be strong smile but he must have been thinking about some deep things and noticed he was still looking over here, he started to blush a little. A really cute blush...

~ok guys, here is a little intro to the main people we will be following in this story. I wanted to make it realistic enough but as a decently new stay I don't know everything yet so it may be a bit choppy. I hope you still enjoy it!~

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