Chapter 5 Gang meeting?

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As we went back to Naoto's apartment it has seem that someone was waiting for us, it was Miko? I walked abit faster to talk to her seeing that she was holding a few items with her. "M-miko what are you doing here?" You said abit shocked that she came to see you at Naoto's apartment which she replied "well, I didn't like staying home alone so I want to help with the investigation along side naoto. Since ya know you guys told me everything about takemichi's time travel powers?" As she said that, everything made sense since we did tell her in the past and she would be a great ton of help since only me and Takemichi can travel back to the past.

"I also brought everyone some homemade dinners just in case anyone was hungry, I made chicken katsu, beef curry and some kimchi I made last month." Miko says as she showed us the lunch boxes she packed with her which You immediately thanked her for since you were lazy to cook and was really hungry after the whole walking around and stuff.

Naoto unlocks the door and let us all in as he goes to his desk to do some research, you and takemichi just laid all the food from miko onto a desk and ate together which made miko laugh at our hungry state. We didn't mind though since we were busy enjoying her cooked meals, as she looked to see where naoto was she went to have a chat with him.

"Naoto aren't you hungry? You shouldn't be working on an empty stomach you know?" She said as she took a snack out of her purse and gave it to Naoto which he ate because she knew that if he said no he would be choking on the snack due to her force. As everyone finished filling their stomachs, each of us went to research different things to help takemichi as we felt that he should know about the events that will happen in the past so that he could somehow fix it.

We then found out that ken ryuguji, draken died during august 3rd due to infighting in the gang, it is said that he was stabbed and bled out till he died at a parking lot. Many were injured but the only death there was Draken which caused Mikey to change in the future because there was no one close to check up on him.

We then decided that the next mission will have to be saving ken ryuguji which we decided to say our small little see you soon before takemichi shook Naoto's hand returning back into the past.

You felt your consciousness travel as you slowly blinked from the flash, you looked around only to see Hina and your sister shopping for things while you were holding a few bags yourself. Miko took noticed of your silence and scooted closer to your ear when Hina walked to the other aisle. "Hey did you travel back in time again big sis?" She said as she tried to be as silent as possible. "Yeah, I'm can you tell me what's going on right now?" You said, still feeling a bit confused on what you were doing in your past.

Miko quickly replied "we're getting some stuff for school and I wanted to get some materials for a project. You decided to tag along with us aswell but I don't know where takemichi had gone off to..maybe with his friends?" This made you realise that Takemichi wasn't with you three which you got worried about his whereabouts, last time he ended doing something stupid like fighting someone in a ring!

Miko quickly took noticed and calmed you down before you went crazy trying to find takemichi as Hina told us that she was done shopping. Which we both nodded our heads and paid for our things as we walked outside the store we heard someone saying "I can't tell Hina about this!"

"Tell me what?" Hina said confused as she took a few steps forward to confront takemichi as he was sweating bullets looking scared like he was trying to hide something. "Takemichi where were you? I thought you were with your friends or something." You said as you pinched his ear still feeling worried but managed to hide it. Hina then said "you're acting different again takemichi, back at the roof you left me all alone and gave me the cold shoulder at school too! Now you're the mature takemichi who's nice.. what's up with you lately?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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