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The main topics of today that everyone was talking about at school, and probably even in other schools in New York, are obviously what happened yesterday at the auction and to Liz and the sighting of an alleged alligator monster in a park.

Although Liz did not come to school, during the break she still called her friends to inform them that yesterday she just broke her ankle but she is fine. Apparently she won't come to school for a while because she rightly wants to rest after everything that happened yesterday with her parents.

Since she has broken her ankle, she will not even be able to actively continue her activities as captain of the cheerleading team when she returns and she seems to be enormously saddened by this. Knowing how she feels now, all her friends, but also students who don't appreciate her very much, showed their support for her as they could.

Even I have decided to write her a message and I have opted for an ironic message, in which I wish her to recover soon, so she can return to show us how much we are inferior to her as soon as possible.

When I send it to her, I immediately receive her answer, in which she also seems angry with me for some reason.

I did not expect in the slightest to receive a response from her, and especially I did not expect in her reply, instead of complaining about the message I sent her, she started talking about the fact that she saw the Daily Bugle article about what happened yesterday and she complained about how I was an irresponsible idiot for risking my life to take four pictures.

Not understanding why the conversation was taking that turn, I try to explain to her that, since it's my job, I'm used to doing things like that and that I'm always careful to not risk my safety. In response to that, she just writes me that she hopes that the next time I do something like this, they find me and they make me regret doing that stupid job.

Immediately afterwards, before I can answer her, she adds that by that she does not mean that she hopes that someone will kill me, which she says is what I seem to want, since I have no problem doing such a job, And then she ends the conversation by saying she has to go and rest now since she hasn't slept since last night.

Weirded out by this brief conversation I had with her, I set off to go work at the labs as soon as school ends and, instead of wearing the costume and going there swinging, I decide to take the subway this time to get there.

Once I sat down, I take the phone with the intention of listening to some music but I remember that Black cat still has one of my earbuds, so I just have to listen to it through the only earbud I have left and hear the surrounding noise from the other ear.

After starting my playlist, I start looking for other news on the internet about the second rumor of last night, which, unlike others who believe that it may be a fake news, I know for sure that it is real.

When I came home last night, while I was taking care of myself, I was able to retrieve the videos from the two cops' bodycams from the police servers, and even if it's not clearly visible and only for a few moments, I saw that humanoid reptile that kept most of the New York cops occupied.

After making a mess for a while it seems that it has retreated into the sewer system and even after the authorities have searched for him through all the sewers of New York, they have not been able to find even a trace of his passage, as if that being never existed.

It looks like some of those frames have already leaked onto the Internet, but there's no new information about it, not even in the police communication channels.

'As soon as I can, I have to look around, maybe that thing is just another person who ingested the serum.'

Speaking of people ingesting the serum, other than Oliver, who had been taken away by Typhoid, Liam also disappeared after he was arrested by the police and the other simple criminals who were captured did not reveal any useful information about the serum or organization to which they belong during their interrogation. 

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