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As soon as we are close enough to hit each other, she prepares to hit me with her flaming sword, while I am forced to dodge it.

The moment I avoid the blade of her sword that was pointing at my neck, my spider-sense suddenly activates, and that feeling of danger that I perceive does not come specifically from that woman.

When I realize where that feeling comes from, it's too late. Typhoid has already positioned herself in such a way that, even if I avoided that danger, I would still be wounded by her.  

Since there is no solution that will allow me to escape unharmed, I am therefore forced to choose the lesser evil, so I carry my left arm behind the back of my head.

If I had noticed even just a second before, or if it had been less fast, I probably could have also captured it, but since it caught me by surprise, I can only protect myself from that knife that I had fixed on the ceiling. Instead of hitting the back of my head as it should have, it stabbed my forearm.

That knife didn't fall naturally, and from the satisfied way Typhoid looks at me, it's clear that what happened is her work.

'Can she also use telekinesis?'

"Luckily you didn't die for such a trifle, otherwise it would have been disappointing if you hadn't given me a little challenge. I know that up until now you have never really worked hard while fighting, if you continue to treat this as a game and take me lightly like the others, you risk dying." She says as she sees me taking the knife off my arm.

"Take you lightly? In the past I have belittled a situation, but since that day I have never underestimated anything or anyone. I'm very careful to study my opponent, whoever he, she or they may be. If you see that I'm not putting my whole self into a fight, it's not because I treat things like that like a game, it's simply because it's not worth going that far. I want to see what you're capable of before I defeat you, so I can inform the authorities of all your abilities before they send you to Ryker Prison." I repeat calmly as I tie a web around the wounded area to stop the blood spill.

After uttering those words, I hold the knife that wounded me thinking I have something with which to parry the blade of her sword, however I am forced to throw it on the ground immediately after because I perceive a danger from it. In fact, just as my spider-sense warned me, it gets engulfed in flames once it hits the ground.

Later, that knife along with three others, which were abandoned by the nuns, begin to float in the air near Typhoid as they are enveloped in flames, and she has again changed her expression, this time into one of pure anger and disgust.

'There are other knives in the room, and by the way those in the air float it is evident that that is her limit of how many she can control.'

Another thing I notice is that now the right half of her face begins to return to the rosy color of her complexion, while the left starts to take a pale hue that before the right part had.

'Wasn't that makeup on her face?'

"What do you mean by these words of yours, you filthy male?!" Typhoid exclaims furiously. 

"I think that if I'm serious, there are few people who could put me in trouble and, from what I've seen so far, you're not one of them. Rather than risk harming you unnecessarily or killing you, I prefer to defeat you without causing you much harm, so that you can have a second chance to maybe become a better person after serving your sentence." I respond, and the blades that are in the air near her tremble violently, mirroring the storm of anger she is feeling inside her.

"I will make you bitterly regret your belief that I am inferior to you!"

After her exclamation, she immediately shortens the distance that separates us and, before she could hurt me with her sword, I lower myself to dodge then, seeing the three knives coming in my direction, I make a backward leap, in which I strike with both feet the hand holding her sword.

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