Unholy Hospitality

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After I gave the police directions to where the being escaped and thought of possible ways to trace it, I walk away from them, and go in search of MJ who was escorted away to a safe area.

As I guessed the girl did not go home even after what happened, now she is in front of her car, probably waiting for me to return there, since she has already tried to call me a couple of times.

Once I have changed and put the mask and web-shooters inside the backpack, I try to fix my appearance, enough to look like a spectator concerned about what happened and not one of the two participants in the clash that took place.

When MJ sees me coming with the camera hanging around her neck and a worried expression, she smiles serenely, as if she had come to give a lift to a friend she hadn't seen for a while.

From the little I know of her and from this attitude, I already know that it would be useless to talk about what happened, however I cannot help but think about what would have happened if I had been late even for a second.

Despite what I tell her, about how dangerous and reckless it was what she did, she doesn't care at all, her only objection is that I do things like that too so there's not much point in me saying things like that.

"Thanks to me this wasn't your last Spider-Man photo shoot, actually you both should thank me. Tell him next time you see him. But as for your thanks, I'll settle for you planning the next time we meet." MJ says pretending to be haughty.

"I'm sure he had everything under control, you didn't have to intervene. And he and I are not friends, on the contrary, the last time he caught me taking pictures of him, he told me clearly that having paparazzi on his heels is a nuisance for his work."

"Yet you speak as if you know each other well. After all, it seems like you're the only one taking perfect pictures of him, I've seen some on the Daily Bugle website and it almost looks like he's posing for you." Mj says after taking a step forward to get even closer to me.

"Again, we are not friends, I just learned how to position myself and hide so as not to bother and make decent shots at the same time. You, unlike me, have interfered in the clash of those two e-"

"All right, all right. Now get in the car, if we leave now we still have time to take a walk. This way you shake all the tension that you have accumulated while I discharge the adrenaline that still circulates in my body for having saved your friend from certain death. Ok?" She says after taking my hand to drag me to her car.


After taking my smartphone from my backpack, I sit upside down on the lower side of one of the gargoyles in the Chrysler building, and after quickly looking through the latest reports on the communications network used by the police, I see in my news feed the article from today's front page of the Daily Bugle.

' "Spider-Man and his new colleague Lizard sow panic in New York". I must admit that JJ has a talent for naming newcomers. Even though he can't stop painting me as the absolute evil, I can't hate that grumpy guy.'

It's been almost a day since the last sighting of Lizard and they haven't come out of hiding yet, so I just have to wait for someone else to intervene on the matter or someone to spot them.

Apart from that, these days I have continued to investigate some of the information I have picked up on the day of the auction and yesterday evening my research led me to discover some interesting things.

'I should find a way to contact Bla-'

The alarm of a notification on my phone suddenly interrupts the thought I was having and when I see what it is, I read that it is a report of a robbery in progress at a bank located a few blocks away from me.

Without wasting any more time I rush to that position however, instead of finding a robbery going on, I see a group of agents coming out of the bank looking perplexed at the reinforcements who have come to surround the perimeter.

As there is no sign of a breach, the police officers who have searched the bank suspect that there was a breach in the security system of the bank, which mistakenly sent a false alarm to the central.

While they are going through the security footage, I decide to sneak in to personally check that the situation is as the agents suspect, however, as soon as I'm about to enter from the roof, I hear a voice behind me.

"Are you so focused when you're in the criminal-catcher mode that you didn't notice this kitty waiting for you?"

As I turn around, I see Black Cat sitting on the ledge of the structure behind me, watching me amused as her legs swing, just like an excited child.

"Is it yours?" I say after turning my face to her and pointing with my thumb at the bank behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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