Makeup tips

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Hi guys, I know not everyone is a makeup person. if you aren't just skip this chapter but if you are then here are some tips that can help you with a better look.
1. If you have got some new mascara, put it in a mug of boiling hot water (with the lid still on,duh!) or else it will be all lumpy, bleurgh!!!

2. Never ever put mascara on in a moving car you could poke out your eye.

3. Use a plastic spoon to easily apply mascara on your bottom lashes without getting any on the skin under your eyes. It also helps you to accomplish a much thicker coat.

4. After your lipstick is applied, hold a tissue over your lips and apply powder over the tissue. This helps the look last much longer.

5. At some point your makeup becomes unhealthy for your skin and eyes. This is especially true for anything that gets applied around your eyes, so it's important to give your makeup drawer a good clean out every once in a while.

6. Use paint brushes as makeup brushes.

7. If you wear glasses, use a colored eyeliner on your lower lash line and black on the top. It makes your eyes really stand out from behind your frames!

8.Before you go to bed, put Vaseline on your eyelashes. It'll help them grow and make them look great!

9. After applying lipstick, put your finger in your mouth, close your lips around your finger, and pull it out. This gets rid of excess lipstick and stops it from going on your teeth.

10.Put your makeup on in front of a close-up mirror with natural light. This way, you can see what it really looks like.

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