Chapter Four

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well it's been almost two years so
they walked into the apartments, asking the front lady where george's apartment was because they were going to "surprise him" and stupidly she believed them

nick pounded on his door, because who the hell was george to pull this shit again?

the door opened up and there was the both of them, red puffy lips on each, and sapnaps heart dropped

"again?" his voice was broken, every part of him he dreaded years ago came back

"nick its its not well it is what it looks like but i swear i didn't know that's why i was coming over here! he was distressed and i was just gonna see if he was okay and he kissed me and i-"

"you didn't stop him you fucking prick" luke finished his sentence for him

"i'm sorry nick, please believe that"

dreams eyes were teary but george looked like he had accomplished his goal

"im sorry clay, actually no im fucking not, we're over like officially over. have fun with george, i'll have my shit out of the house by tomorrow. don't contact me again or i'll file a restraining order."

and with that, like and nick walked away and out of the apartment complex. once they were in the car, nicks confidence deflated

"nick im so so sorry" luke tried but nothing could help the poor boy

"he did it again" his voice cracking, emotions shining through

"i thought that all of this was done i thought we were fine and he puts me in the same position again"

nick was crying now, heartbroken and disappointed

"please just take me home, i need to pack"

and with that they drove him, silently other than the quiet sobs from the passenger seat

"do you need to stay at mine? i have plenty of room"

"no luke but thank you, for all of this. i'm gonna find somewhere new to go"

"alright bud good luck" they hugged and sap got out of the car and walked into his house.

it was slow, almost serene, he walked through the walls of the house he lived in with his lover, pictures and memories he couldn't look away from

but dream ruined that. there was nothing left for him here.

he grabbed two separate suitcases, filling them with clothes and items and everything he could think of. he packed them in his car, as well as a few things from the kitchen and decorations he had bought that he wanted to keep.

and with one last look at the house he drove away.

he needed new. no more drama, no more cheating exes and haunting pasts, something new.

he drove all night and the rest of the next day, ignoring his phone other than changing the song.

he needed some peace, and somehow he ended up in new york.

ironic right? he needs peace and ends up in a big city but he didn't care.

he knew no one living in new york, he had a big sum of money he could buy an apartment with and just live. after all, new york is always the romance scene in movies. but that'll have to wait.

his wounds were to fresh for anyone else. but hopefully he would make a few good friends. or maybe a few old friends... who knows?

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