Is this it?

7 3 2

It's been two months since I last saw Kain.

I've fallen into a deep depression and I can't eat anything. Every time I think about food I feel like throwing up.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling.

"I can't be around you anymore, I need time to think and Jennifer..."

Kain's words echo around my head again and again.

I hug myself tightly.

What did I do?

Why does it hurt so much?

I should be happy for him. He doesn't have to worry about Jennifer getting jealous anymore.

I feel tears coming on and I just let them fall.

I wonder if he even misses me. Probably not, considering I'm so ugly...fat... Why am I so annoying?

The tears fell like waterfalls now.

Why can't I get anything right?

Why do I feel so alone?

I have so many people that care... Yeah right, if they cared so much as a little they would have called by now.

One of your dearest friends misses school for six and a half weeks and no one calls?

Maybe I should die, it's not like anyone will notice anyways.

I feel the bed sink a little.

Is this it? My end?

"Oh, Kristie." Someone breathes in my ear.


They wrap their arms around me.

I guess I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice them walk in.

"Kain?" I croak.

Sure enough when I open my eyes and look at him, there he is.

I put my hand on his chest.

"No! You can't come back after totally ignoring me for two months! Do you know how much pain I've been in?! How much weight I've lost because I couldn't get over you getting over me?! So no, you can't come back so please... Stay away."

I start sobbing.

He can't come back, not after two months. Who even does that?

"Kristie... You act like we were dating or something."

I lost it.

Picking up the nearest object, (which just so happened to be a baseball bat), I threw it at him.

Not seeing it coming, he got hit square in the chest.

"Get. Out. Of. My. House. Now."

I growled through gritted teeth.

"Kristie I didn't mean it like that and I've been dealing with a whole alot of things... it's just so hard."

"Yeah right, like what have you been going through with your perfect family and rich friends?" I said sarcasticily.

I saw him wince.

"Jennifer and I broke up because... because I'm... because I'm in love with you."

Okay I have to admit that that was not what I was expecting.

My face softened.

I ran and hugged him so tightly and started to cry again.

"Don't ever let me go, Kain. Ever." I said inbetween sobs.

"And there's more."

I pulled away from him a little.

"What is it?"

I could tell it had to be pretty bad because I've never seen so much pain in someone's eyes.

"My parents died in a car crash on their way back home from a buisness trip."

I choked on a sob and was crying harder.

When did I get so pathetic?

Kain picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his middle as he laid me on the bed.

I unwrapped my legs and we laid there for so long I fell asleep.


Okay, hey guys. I hope you all are enjoying your summer for those people in the states.
Okay to get to the point, I don't think I'm going to continue this book because I don't feel it's that good and plus people don't like it except my two friends from school. So yeah Please vote if I get up to ten vote one at least one chapter I won't delete.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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