Chapter 4

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Olivia's POV:

My eyes flutter open, the sunlight seeping in through the windows and makes its way into my eyes. I sit up and slowly pull myself out of bed. I stumble down the stairs to Maddie, who is already awake, eating a bowl of cereal.

"LIV! WAS IT A DREAM!?" She shouts

"Was what a dream" I mumble

"Josh Hutcherson being here last night!"

"yeah he was here" I tell her. suddenly the events of last night flood my mind. Him showing up at my door, me getting him some clothes, me walking him to his car and... and me kissing him goodbye. Suddenly my face floods with blood, making it bright red. I know this because Maddie asks me

"why are you blushing so much" 

"It's really hot in here" I tell her, signifying the end of this conversation. I turn on the stove and start frying up some eggs and bacon when Maddie screams

"Liv look at this!"

"what is it?" I ask

"Well according to the I.D. this is Josh Hutcherson's wallet!"

"WHAT! GIVE ME THAT!" I say, snatching the wallet out of her hands. I read the I.D and check his address.

"We need to return it." I tell her

"Okay just let me get ready and we can go!" Maddie squeals. I roll my eyes because I know she is going to spend ages getting ready. 

After nearly 2 hours. Maddie is finally ready. She is wearing a strapless white crop top and light blue denim jeans. I'm wearing my soccer shirt and sweats. I don't really care how I look because I don't care about Josh Hutcherson. I've been telling myself that all day so why do I not believe it. I push these thoughts out of my head and take Maddie outside. I lock the house up and get into my car. I put Josh's address into the GPS and it says it's only 15 minutes away. We start going to his house when Maddie starts panicking.

"What are you going to say?! What are you going to do?! I don't know what to do liv! In case you didn't know I don't typically take wallets back to hot, alluring , famous celebrities!" she rambles on and on.

"Maddie calm down. Josh is a normal human being like the rest of us." I reassuringly tell her. 

"But what if Connor answers the door instead!" She tells me 

"who's Connor?" I ask, puzzled.

"Connor is Josh's brother!" She exclaims

"Oh ok. Well if Connor answers we'll give the wallet to him." I tell her

"What do you mean we? I'm not leaving this car!" She declares

"So why did we waste ages on you getting ready?!"

"Just in case josh could see me through the car window" she explains

"For god's sake Maddie!" I shout. We arrive outside of his house and I get out of the car. I get a post it note and write a note to Josh. it says-

not even a fan- Josh HutchersonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora