Until Dawn recap

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You can go to the next part, and skip over this if you've played or know the story of Until Dawn.

These are just some basic pieces of information.

8 friends are coming back to the lodge for their annual winter getaway, only this year is the anniversary of Hannah and Beth's disappearance.

Josh Washington is the brother of Hannah and Beth, the twin sisters who died a year ago in a tragic accident. They're reported as missing. Their family owns the lodge.

Mike used to date Emily but now he's dating Jessica. 

Matt is Emily's current boyfriend.

The sisters went missing after the friend group pulled a mean prank on them. Jessica and Emily were the brains of the prank. They knew Hannah had a huge crush on Mike so they made a fool out of her using that information. She then, upset, ran into the snowy night, her sister following and didn't come back.

Sam was Hannah's best friend and the only one except for Chris and Josh, who were blacked out at the time of the incident) that didn't participate. Sam tried to stop the prank but wasn't there in time. 

I'll add more information as the story progresses if it will be needed.

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