Chapter 25

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Alex's POV:

I'm supposed to be at Cam's house in about five minutes and I have no clue how far away his house is from mine... I guess you could say I'm a big procrastinator... in my defense, I missed Once Upon A Time the other night and the episode I was catching up on was getting really intense and I couldn't just walk away.

My mom is going to drop me off incase she needs the car tonight, so I won't have to ride there, so hopefully I'll get there soon... the name of the neighborhood he texted me seems pretty familiar, so it couldn't be too far away. I yell to my mom that I'm ready to leave and she comes out of the kitchen and we head down the flights of stairs too exit the apartment complex. Cami is at a friends house for the night so mom will have the house to herself. I feel kind of bad leaving her alone, but she just kept telling me to go and to have fun, so thats what I'm gonna try to do. I pull the address up on my phone and get directions. Before we pull out, I text Cameron to let him know that I'm on my way, but I might be a little late. My mom quickly pulls out of the parking lot for the apartment complexes and drives down the road, following the directions on my phone.


I finally make it to Cam's house, exactly five minutes late. This always happens. I'm always late to things, even school... I jump out of the car, jogging up to the front door as soon as I pull up, waving a quick goodbye to my mom. I look around for a second just to make sure that it's the right place. There are quite a few cars in the driveway and parked in front of the house. Okay, this has to be it. I reach out and open the glass door that sits in front of the actual door before rapping my knuckles against the hard wooden surface of it. I hear voices inside and then the shuffling of many feet. All of a sudden the door swings open, surprising me and causing me to take a step back. Standing in the doorway is Cameron, with a large grin spread across his face, "Hey! You made it. I was starting to think you weren't going to show." He says with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah..." I say, trailing off, "sorry about that... I was... um... yeah..." I finish, not really sure what excuse to use instead of, 'oh yeah, sorry I'm late, just wanted to finish a T.V show.' that sounds so lame. But then again, the one I just came up with wasn't much better...

"Hahaha, it's alright Alex."

"Thanks..." I say, laughing a little bit.

"Well, would you like to come in?" He asks me, stepping out of the doorway and gesturing towards the inside of the house. It's actually a pretty nice house, there are photos decoration the walls all along the hallways, mostly of whom I assume to be Cameron and Sierra when they where younger. There where some pictures that looked to be taken in more present time, but most where of them when they where younger. I smiled as my eyes land on a picture of Cameron, having just thrown a water balloon at Sierra when they where younger and it is exploding on her arm and Sierra looks like she is about ready to kill him. Cameron follows my gaze and laughs a little. "Ha, yeah, I remember that day... after I threw that water balloon, she chased me around the yard for so long trying to get me back, but she missed every time." He says, a small smirk planted on his face as he recalls the memory.

After his explanation, I step through the threshold, Cameron closing the door behind him and we begin to make our way into the kitchen. As we enter, my jaw drops at all of the food layer out. This must of taken hours to prepare. The whole counter top was covered on different dishes, along with the dining room table, and I would doubt it if there where more outsides.

"Yeah, my mom goes all out... " Cameron says from next to me.

"Wow..." is all I can say. It's even all organized. There is a section for appetizers, entrées, deserts, main courses, and more. My stomach rumbles at the thought and I realize how hungry I am.

Apparently Cam hears it too cause I hear him laugh and asks, "Are you hungry?"

"Ummm... yeah..."


It's been about an hour and a half since I got here and I've eaten at least a little bit of every dish and I'm actually having fun. Not saying that I didn't think this was going to be fun... but I didn't think it was going to be this fun. At the moment, Cam and I are in the middle of an all out ping-pong battle. Obviously I'm winning, but not by too much. Cams catching up. We're at match point and Cam misses and slowly falls to the ground. "Nooooooo!!!!"

"HA!! I win!! Yes!! VICTORY!!" I yell in triumph.

"I vote rematch!!" He yells from the floor.

"Fine, but I'll still beat you." I say with a small smirk on my face. Cam finally gets up, glaring at me as he emerges from behind the other side of the ping pong table. We are about to start a new round when my phone starts ringing. I pull it out of my pocket and hit answer before bringing it up to my ear, not looking at the caller ID.


"Alex, sweetie, you need to come home."


"Alex. Please. Just come home." She says in a hushed whisper, worry seeping through every word."

"Mom? Is everything okay? What's wrong?"

"Everything is going to be okay. I'll see you soon." Then the line went dead.

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