pretty girl

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We arrived at a place about thirty minutes ago, and neither of us has said a thing so far. He stopped at a cliff that overlooked the ocean and has an amazing view of today's sunrise.

What if I just jumped off? No.

"It's really beautiful here." I look over at Vincent only to see him already looking at me. "Yeah, it is." He speaks softly. We make eye contact and stay like that for a while.

He's so pretty, pretty like the sun.

I don't care if I met him yesterday, I'm a lover girl. What can I say? I can see that he's clearly a sweet person. He's already bought me food and took me places.

Jump. Off. No.

My thoughts are actually going to kill me. I break eye contact and turn to take a sip of my shake. "You know you're really pretty, right. This sunrise reminds me of you."

Might as well shoot my shot, right?

"Thank you, Bella ragazza," (pretty girl) he thinks I'm pretty. "You think im pretty?" I snap my head back over to him, our eyes locking.

"I think you're beautiful, ragazza carina" (nice/pretty girl). "Thank you," I give back a genuine smile. "Anytime,"

"We should head back before they get worried, yeah?"

"Yeah," I speak softly. We both put on our seat belts, and he started to drive back to the mansion. We sit in silence as the only thing we hear is the music in the background. Our silence is not uncomfortable or uneasy. It's nice, calm.

Shortly, we reach the mansion. I go to get out, but Vincent stops me by grabbing my arm softly. "So, are you going to tell me what was so bad about being a waitress? I mean, I'm not forcing you to talk about it, but if I can help in any way, I need to know."

Why won't he give it up? I mean, it's not that bad, right? I'll just tell him. It's not like he can really do anything about it. And if he pity me, I'll just stay away from him. Right?

He looks over to me, I turn away, looking at the front of the mansion through the windshield. "Back before everything happened with my mom and coming here, I had got fired. It's nothing, really. I'm just kinda sad about it."

"Do you mind me asking what you go fired for?" He asks now, facing the windshield too. "Umm, he said I wasn't pretty enough to keep working there."

I turn to face him only to see his knuckles turning white from fisting so hard. "ragazza carina, it seems to be more than what you're letting on."

"Yeah well your basically a stranger, so my bad if I don't want to tell you my whole life story." He turns over to face me with a sorry expression, and I immediately regret saying that. He's been nothing but nice to me.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I've just had a long week so far. I didn't mean to lash out. You've been so nice, and you were just trying to help. I'm really so sorry." I put my hand over his before he cuts himself with his own nails, which are perfect, by the way.

"No, it's okay. I might have pushed too far, and I let my curiosity get the best of me. I'm sorry, Bella" (beautiful)

I smile softly at him, and he returns the favor. "Back to the story, when he said I wasn't pretty enough, he said I could get my job back if I slept with him and, of course, I said no, but he uh-"

"He what?" He says Dangerously calm. "He said if I didn't give him what he wanted, he'd take it from me." I I say, not meting his eyes. "Bella," He speaks, trying to get me to look at him. "Bella." He says in a warning tone. When I don't look over, he grabs me by my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"What did he do." He asks calmly, but in his eyes are pure rage. I can't tell if it's for over sharing or if it's because of what he thinks my boss did.

I suck I'm a deep brand start to fess up. "He starts to take my clothes off. I frozz up. I couldn't move. He said I had been looking at him some kind of way. I don't know. I'm probably just being dramatic."

"Did it go any farther? Farther than just taking your clothes off?" Why do you give a fuck?

"No, I came to my senses and kicked him in his balls and ran." He let's go if my chin gets out of the car, slaming the door, making me jump. He comes over to the other side and opens my door, I get out, and he takes my hand, dragging me into the house.

"What are you doing?" I speak as he drags me into my room. "You say you kicked him and ran?" He asks, leaning against the wall near my bathroom. "Yes?" I say confused. I understand I was being dramatic, but do you have to go to such lengths to tell me?

"Good girl. Now, can you tell me what his name is?" "What are you going to do with his name?"

"What do you think?" He says, raising an eyebrow. Kill him. "It's not even that serious. I'm halfway across the world now." It wouldn't make a difference.

"Not that serious?"

"Why are you even bothering to do anything? You don't know me." Going through all that for a stranger?

"You're right, but that doesn't change the fact he tried to rape you. Ember, that's not okay, and nothing could ever justify that."

"But you don't have to care so much." He sighs softly, grabing my chin, making me face him. "Name." Is all he said, looking into my eyes. "Victor Hamel."

A smirk pulls on to his face "that's a good girl." My thighs clench together, I don't want him to know he has that kind of effect on me. He raises a eyebrow, "you like when I call you that? You like getting praised?"

"No" I answer breathlessly. "That's not what your body saying. Or your breath." My body is hot, my breathing is heavy, and my core is already aching, from four words. I hate that he has this kind of effect on me, and i hate that he knows it.

"We should get inside." I say pulling my chin out of his grip. We get out of the car, walking back towards the house. He opens the door and I immediately head up the stairs.

Today is starting off really weird. I get to my room and step in. My core still aching, I slowly reach my hand down and rub myself through the fabric, a soft moan slips past my lips, my knees going weak. What the hell am I doing? This isn't like me at all. I met this man yesterday and he already has this affect on me? I take off the hoddie he gave me along with my shirt. I head to the bathroom and turn on the shower. Closing the bathroom door, I take off my shorts and slip down to the ground.

Sitting on the floor, I spread my legs open and start to rub my clit softly. Soft turns in to hard, and soon, I'm moaning his name as it gets louder and louder, I realize.

What am I doing? I say to myself. Where the heel did my dignity go? I push myself off the floor after realizing that I literally met this man yesterday. I turn off the shower and grab a towel. Wrapping it around myself, I open the door to someone sitting on the edge of my bed.


He looks up from his phone, spotting me. He smirks. Did he hear me? I forrow my eyebrows, "how have you managed to be in my room twice in the past twenty-four hours?"

"What can I say? I can't resist you." He gets up walking over to me. "Pretty bold, don't you think? You just met me." I say, and he smirks, still walking towards me until I'm backed up against the wall.

"Being bold didn't seem to be a problem for you just a few minutes ago." My breathing becomes heavy as my eyes go wide. He heard. "What are you even doing in here?" I say griping my towel, trying to change the subject. His eyes darken. "Answer me, Bella."



WORDS: 1467

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