Chapter 5:

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"Sally, Larry are you both alright?" The Doctor said in concern, Larry quickly said "yeah we're both alright." Sally then said "Doctor, do you know these things." "I do Sally, I've fought with them many times before, come we've got work to do." The Doctor said as they all rushed out of the conversion room and when they got into the hall way Sally said "what the plan here because if they get to Earth we don't stand a chance." The Doctor quickly stopped and turned around and said in anger "don't you think I know that Sally because I do, I've lost people when fighting the Cybermen so I know what's at stake here." "Are you alright?" Larry said back, he just looked at him his face full of emotion and he said "no I'm not I thought I was finally rid of them, I thought the universe was safe from the Cybermen but I was wrong and now the whole universe is in danger, hell some of it has already seen the wrath of them , I should of put it together earlier." Larry quickly said back "Doctor you can't blame yourself for what's happened because how could you have known." "I should have known it was them ." He quickly said back, Sally then said "no you couldn't have known, you thought they were gone so stop blaming yourself and start thinking of how we are going to stop them." The Doctor just nodded his head before saying "we need to stop this ship from getting to earth and there's only one way of doing that." Larry "exploding the ship." Sally then looked at Larry in shock before looked back at The Doctor and she just said "you have you be kidding me right, you wanna blow the ship up? And how are we going to do that?" The Doctor just said back "the eye-ion cannon, we overload and then boom." Sally then said "but if we destroy the cannon how are we getting home." The Doctor just tensed his face and said "one problem at a time Sally now come on, more Cybermen will be on there way." After that he then shot down the hallway of the ship but Sally and Larry just looked at each other before they went after him.

But on their way to the cannon room they entered a room that was full of Cybermen all on stand by "ah." The Doctor said as he took a gulp of air and Sally just said "that's a lot of Cybermen." "Yeah it is, move slow, no sudden movements, come on." The Doctor said as they started making there way though the room and as they were Larry said "so Doctor is this what is meant to happen to us we become these things or like them if it's parallel." He looked at Larry all confused and said "what are you going on about, this isn't Earth." Sally quickly said "sorry I thought this was Earth in a parallel universe." "Ah yeah I was slightly wrong about that one, this is a parallel universe but it's not Earth. This is Earth twin so planet, Planet fourteen or better known as Mondas." The Doctor said back, Sally quickly said "Earth has a twin planet, surly that would be something we would know about." The Doctor said back "no because it was destroyed in nineteen eighty six and covered up but it's back now." But little did they know that they had tripped a sensor that has slowly been walking up the Cybermen and Larry notice one of their hands move so he quickly stopped and said "Doctor." Him and Sally quickly stopped and turned back to him as Larry said "I swear it's hand just moved." "Did you touch it or anything?" The Doctor said back, Larry just shock his head as The Doctor took a quickly look around at all the Cybermen before he said to Sally "stay here." He then walked up to Larry and he checked out this Cyberman as he said "what did you exactly see?" Larry then said "not a lot it's fingers just twitch a bit." All of a sudden Sally then scream and jumped out of the way causing The Doctor and Larry to look at her before Larry said "Sally are you alright?" "No I swear that Cyberman just touch me." Sally said back in a panic. The Doctor just said "something is wrong here, I don't like it." And as he said that he started to see all the Cybermen starting to move around and he just said "run!" They all then quickly started sprinting towards the exit of this room as the Cybermen all started waking up and quickly started firing on them and all they could do is try and dodge the shots as they came at them.

Back as they got to the door it wouldn't open and Larry said in an utter panic "Doctor the door won't open." "Yeah I know Larry, I'm working on it." The Doctor said back as he started pressing loads of buttons on the touch pad as the side of the door. Sally then said "can't you just use the sonic and get us the hell out of here before we die." He looked at her and said in panic "I can't use the sonic, it's still in The Tardis." "That's just great isn't it." Sally said back. The Doctor then just looked behind him and saw all the Cybermen coming towards them and he saw one of them take aim at him and he just smiled before quick ducking out of the way as the shoot came flying at him and instead of hitting him it hit the control pad exploding it causing the door to open and he just shouted "GO, MOVE RIGHT NOW, RUN!" Sally and Sally quickly went and The Doctor went running after them. As they were running down more hallways of the ship the Cybermen were right behind still firing on them but while they were on the run they managed to to find the room that had the control system for the eye-ion cannon and as soon as they burst in there The Doctor said with a massive grin on his face "awesome." He then quickly turned around and pressed a load of button on the control pad to quickly shut the door and as soon as it slammed shut the Cybermen barged the door.

Larry then said "well isn't this just brilliant, stuck in a room with no way out." The Doctor then said "oh come on Larry look at the positive, we can stop the eye-ion cannon from here." Sally quickly said back "yeah but what are we going to do after because encase you didn't notice there Cybermen blocking our way out of here." "One problem at a time Sally." The Doctor said back as he started having a look over the control system for the cannon but as he was checking it out all of a sudden he started pressing and pulling leavers in a utter panic as he said "no, no don't do this to me, not now come on." Larry quickly said back to him "what's happening?" And as he said that there was this massive bang at the door to cause Sally to quickly turn around and see the Cybermen were trying to break the door down and Sally just said in panic "Doctor there trying to break in." The Doctor just looked back at the door before putting both his hands in his hair in panic before saying "I don't know what to do I can't stop it." Sally then said "stop what Doctor?" "They've speed up the cannon and dead lock seal it, I can't do anything to stop it." Sally and Larry both just looked at each other as the Cybermen continued to break the door down.

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