the Golden Spire: Chronicles of Ronin and the Clones' Liberation

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Once, there were two children dressed in miss-matched white gloves and smart black clothes. For most of their lives, they lived with one of the most powerful fraternities. People came gathering for them and their weapons. These weapons had been used in some most known battles of all time. In the distance, people sat in a 40 square meter sky scraper. People from all over the world wanted to go there. People in the group manly wore armed dark red robes and small knives. They ran a bank to get cash and were prolific writers and monks. from time to time, people would get their money from the bank. They were some of the most wealthy, the friend group added Ronin, James Cole the twins and... martin, this was around when I was three years of age they were manly wealthy apart from Midas, who had died from a cold over the harsh years soon Sebastian had joined. to the group, he was the youngest though he could summon powerful weapons for warfare, the twins had as of late grown up they lived their life in their twenties in the year 121 ac. Ronin was taking the twins plus Sebastian to the spire when they went into this glorious tower. There was a luxurious curtain on one side gold and the other, the interior, black. In front of this was an armour stand with a very powerful weapon and a glass wolf-head helmet. Ronin whispered, "do not touch this" They stayed silent, two guards stepped in through the spire opening guarding the armor stand, the stand was lustrous and golden and it had the stature of a robot there were two "toaster shaped windows" back to back there were diamond windows they ran out of the spire and discussed about Ronin's life, he told that he'd been a slave until he escaped at sixteen years old he had been wiped. many times. martin cloned himself and made him work. He made but one clone of himself. Ronin, a clone crafted in the likeness of martin, mirrored his every trait and mannerism with uncanny precision. He would sit in a sort of cage waiting to leave day to day waiting to get back home. a pad of paper sat in his lap with his owl next to such a pad. dozens of other cages with people resembling him sat in wait with the owl, the paper. doing the exact same thing. he thought these maybe clones, he reached into his pocket and found a lady's hair pin all the others did the same and he thought again, if I escape then so will they, they'll do it too! he used his hair pin to jimmy the lock so to to the others he slowly escaped one by one they escaped the dungeons he trapped the beast, Martin behind him they marched out to the tan streets waiting for people to notice one by one. they marched to build now ancient houses. They found their lost families and ran. families to hug and kiss, they show children, husbands, wives, brother, sisters again in the streets, Ronin saw me lost in the world looking for shelter and kin.

the world and beyond exploring the boundries of existenceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें