Kwik Trip Trip

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"Remind me again why you woke me up at 3AM to go with you to Kwik Trip?"

"I want candy and I ate the rest of my stash this morning."

"I know that. I just wanted to know why the method of waking me up you chose was flicking cold water on my face. You could've just shaken me."

"Awww, but where's the fun in that?"

"You little-"

Of all the things Morro could be doing at 3AM on a random Sunday, walking to Kwik Trip was somewhere near the bottom of his list. Number 1 was sleeping.

"What if someone notices us and calls the cops? We look pretty suspicious," he said.

"We're literally the ninja, we can just tell them we were on a mission. And when did you become so paranoid?" Lloyd asked.

"Since my baby cousin thought it was okay to wake me up in the middle of the night on the weekend and drag me to the gas station to replenish his candy stash. You could've just done this in the morning."

"I'm not a baby! And I want candy now, my cravings can't wait 'til the morning."

"You're younger than me and have a candy addiction, you're a baby," Morro stated.

"Ugh, whatever. We're here. Do you want anything? I'll buy, since you so graciously came with me of your own free will."

"Shut up."

"Guess you don't want anything then," Lloyd said, and started walking away.

"Hey, I didn't say I didn't want anything!"

"Okay, well go pick something out then."

Morro looked around. Energy drinks were out of the question, since he wanted to be able to make the most of the night after their little outing was over. He could get something from the hot spot, but he wasn't really that hungry. Then, his eyes locked onto something.


He made a beeline over to the smoothie machine, and pulled out the largest cup. Might as well, since Lloyd said he'd pay. There was a piece of paper taped to the screen of the machine, but Morro paid it no mind and tore it off so he could see the whole screen. It was kind of glitchy, but it still worked. He made his choice, stuck his cup in the slot, and walked away. He wanted chips.

Lloyd was picking out his candy when he heard the smoothie machine start. Typical of Morro. He always got a smoothie or slushie everywhere they went. He was pretty much done raiding the candy section, so he started over to watch the machine make the smoothie. Those things were entertaining to watch.

Morro was contemplating which chips he should get when he heard it. An explosion sound, and then the sound of liquid splattering, all coming from the drinks station. "Shit," he muttered, and jogged over to the source of the sound. And boy was it a sight to see.

Before him stood a smoking smoothie machine, and what looked to be Lloyd, all covered in fruit syrup, chocolate syrup, milk, ice chips, and whatever else was previously in the machine. Morro burst out laughing.

"Seriously?" Lloyd said, not looking happy at all.

Morro was in tears and practically on the ground laughing. "You- You!"

"Yeah, me. What the fuck did you do to this thing?!"

"I-," Morro wiped the tears from his eyes. "I just pressed the buttons and put my cup in the slot. I've done it dozens of times!"

"Yeah, well apparently you didn't see the huge 'Out of Order' sign taped to the machine."

"Oh, that's what that said? Oops."

"Oops? Is that all you have to say?!"


"FSM, why do I take you anywhere?"

"Uh, you were the one who dragged me out of bed because you didn't want to come by yourself," Morro said.

Lloyd scoffed, and dug in his pocket. "Here, take my wallet and pay for the stuff and let's get out of here."
He handed Morro his wallet and shopping basket full of candy.

"FSM, how much candy do you need?!" Morro exclaimed when he felt the weight of the basket.

"Hey, I'm replenishing my stash! I told you on the way here that I ate it all up. Now go and pay for the stuff so that I can go take a shower."

Morro snorted. "I think it'll take at least three to get that stuff out of your hair."

Lloyd glared at him.

"Okay, okay, I'm going!"

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