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So this is like the first fic I'm going to full comit to, please keep in mind I'm dyslexic and have no fucking clue what I'm doing, this fic contains bkdk (bakugou katsuki X midorya izuku) so if you don't like that ship I suggest you don't read this<3

I am open to constructive criticism

I saw a vid on tt of a movie idea and my bitch ass went yes okay I'm going to write a MHA fic about this now, so if this fic doesn't go well I might not continue it🫶

Will contain:
Romantic shit
Lemon(like, almost smut)
People diying
People almost diying
Basically just everything

-zero(aka my author name. Zero is not my real name)

the outside is inside (MHA fic)Where stories live. Discover now