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Darcy Francis Nightell swam down to the bottom of the lake. After about six minutes, he could hear his best friend Lilac yelling for him. It may seem impossible for her to know he was there, but he knew she spent most her time in the woods, so he always left signs for the likely chance that they would cross paths once again. He was only eight, but he could sense the real urgency of her muffled voice "Lilac?! Are you okay?!" he interrogated, popping out of the water. "It's our fathers. There....was an accident on the sea." Lilac mumbled. "No..." was all he could get out. Lilac was one year younger than him, so he wanted to look strong and not cry. She suddenly burst out in tears. He quickly waded through the water and on to the sandy beach. He pulled on his shirt, slipped into his sandals, grabbed her hand and began running through the forest with her. After about ten minutes, they arrived at the docks, where Peacekeepers walked off, carrying stretchers with bodies covered in cloth. "No... It can't be!" he shouted, seeing their families standing in grief a couple of meters away. He strutted over, refusing to let go of her hand. "Momma," he began. She interrupted. "Oh Darcy, your father-" she pulled a handkerchief out of her robes. He stared at the ground, eyes saddened, with tears forming. A few minutes passed, and his mother finally pulled herself together. "Darcy..?" she asked with general concern.

  "It's Francis." Francis responded.


Authors note: Hey, I know it was kinda short. Anyways, if you don't understand, 'Francis' is both his middle name and his father's name. His father was a respected and loved man. Especially by Darcy Francis Nightell. So as a kind of tribute (ha ha) to his father, he decided that is the name he wanted to go by.

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