Francis felt he didn't sleep for more than a couple of hours that night. So here we are. The clock on the wall says 4:19 AM. When he walked in, he did a subconscious room tour. A luxurious washroom was connected to his quarters. In it,  a sink that activated when you said, "On," toilet that was gold for whatever reason, a mirror that had the option of turning on lights, a bathtub that looked like heaven, and a shower with crazy settings. (He strangely liked the shower, because it reminded him of swimming in warm, shallow streams back home.) In the room there was a bed that was about the size of their small dining room back home, a giant window on the left side of the room overlooking the outdoor scenery that sped by like the fish that darted away back home... Home, he thought longingly. He pushed it out of his mind and continued looking around. There was also a beautifully designed wood floor, a machine that brought you food at the press of a button, and a wardrobe that had any-occasion clothes. Francis watched the time change for what seemed like eternity. 

4:21, 4:26, 4:30, etc. Somewhere between 4:40 and 5:15, Francis fell asleep at last. 

A/N Hey, I have just been busy with family and school, and lacking motivation to write. I might update soon, but you know, the holidays will keep me busy. I'll try to write if I find the free time, but I'm not sure. All I'm saying is, if there isn't an update by Jan. 10th, all my readers, feel free to punish me with verbal abuse. Speaking of readers, we reached 47! When we get to sixty, please leave some ideas or true events that you want me to write a chapter based on. Also, feel free to leave suggestions now! Point out stuff that doesn't make since, or typos, or incorrect things about Hunger Games. I want your feedback. Stay safe, and merry Christmas! Or Hanukkah, or whatever you celebrate. Have a nice break and don't do drugs. [END] 

A/N PT2 Heyyyy! I'm back! It's January 8th where I am, so I'm not on the verge of verbal abuse (yet). I know, I still gotta update by then, and I will try! But for now, I think I'm in the clear. Updating soon! Happy reading, my fellow humans, and may the odds be ever in your favor... [END OF A/N]

Francis's dream went like this: his name was called, he stood by Deliah, he met the mentors and escort, he tried to eat lunch but ended up heading to bed.... Etc. The first part was in 2x speed in his mind. Things slowed down when he suddenly saw himself, laying in the same bed he is now, same room, everything. Suddenly, the room implodes, and water floods the earth. He is now awake in his dream, struggling against the thrashing currents, the tracks and train being thrown around under the newly made sea. Something grabs him. No, not one, multiple. Deliah, her sister Coral, his father, Lilac, and- A version of himself! But this one is younger, about 10 years old. They all drag him down to the sandy beach where he first learned to swim. The wet sand swirls around, forming a kind of worm hole that the previously mentioned people who were dragging him pushed him into. He was being dragged deeper into the flooded hole, going about a mile a second. He suddenly realized he ran out of breath and started to drown. Then, the water evaporated and he was dropped into an arena. A bunch of careers suddenly started running after him, holding dangerous weapons. Right as he was about to get stabbed, he woke.

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