My Why - Richard Brown

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First Pov:

 "I hear the English professor is a fucking pushover," one of the kids said as they walked out the classroom. I wanted to stop them, but I'm not exactly equipped for that type of thing. My name is Y/N L/N and I am the new U.S. History teacher at (whatever college he works at because I can figure out the name for the life of me T-T.) I'm working here temporarily. I'm actually a oncologist, my hospital just doesn't have any patients right now, so i just came to work here. I had heard a lot about this Professor Brown guy. They were so rude and genuinely blunt... I felt bad for him.

First Pov (Richard):

 "I ain't got time for slackers, so get out of my class if you're fine with a C average." Almost the entire class left. Yhen I forced another girl out because she was wearing joggers. "Alright, read a book, give me a summary that brings the book to life. That'll be your grade for the semester." They all seemd confused, but I didn't care. Yeah, cancer sucks, but at least now I can live my life freely. I was in my office when that ass-hat, Henry, called for a meeting. "Please welcome Ms. Y/N L/N. She'll be working here temporarily, please treat her with respect for the time she is here with us." There was a woman standing beside him, her head down as she avoided any gazes. She was a cute lil thing too...

 I was about to leave when  she came up to me. "Excuse me... Professor Brown..." I heard her say timidly. "Yes," I say, trying to come off as friendly even though I wanted to just go drink. "Hi, I'm Dr. L/N, I've heard a lot about you, but I haven't gotten to properly speak with you." There a lot of things I could said in response, but the only thing that came out was "Doctor?" She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, that jackass just refuses to call me by my well-deserved titl-" She covered her mouth. "I'm sorry... I know that's your boss. I need to learn to watch my mouth..." she looked down, clearly embarrassed. 

 I laughed at her modesty. "Oh, don't worry about it. I mean, I fucking hate the guy. He's literally screwing my wife." She seemed shocked to hear it, but then again, I don't blame her. But suddenly, her face became pissed. "Fuck him and your wife." It was so simple, but it made me smile. "Yeah... fuck them." She smiled at me when her eyes looked deep in mine. I puckered my lips, a bit confused when I saw her face drop. Her phone started going off in her pocket, so she looked at it. Whoever it was must've been important because she looked at me and said "I have to take this... I hope we can speak later." Then she left quickly.

 Wonder what she saw.

First Pov: 

 "Hey boss.... yeah I'm at the school... yeah, I found the patient. You want me to get him to accept medication?" I paused. "That's not my job. My job is to help those who want it... I don't wanna force anything on him..." however it was clearly not up for debate. I sighed as I sat at my desk, thinking things over. Just then, Professor Brown walked in and I looked up at him. "You alright," he asked with a chuckle. I faked a smile and just nodded. "Are you free tomorrow?" I nodded again, only half-heartedly listening. "Alright, I'll talk to you then." He walked out again, and tried to figure out what I just agreed to.

First Pov (Richard):

 I went home only to argue with my wife and try to provide comfort to my lesbian daughter. Eventually me and my wife just agreed that we'd stay married, but could fuck who we want. Completely fine by me. The next day, I took my class to the bar, but before that, I went to get Y/N first. "Hey, Y/N, we're going to the bar. Wanna come?" She looked like she was about to question it, but just packed up her things and walked with me. We went to the bar and she just stayed quiet at the end if the table. Everyone was talking and drinking and she hardly even uttered a word.

 I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the table. "Hey, are you okay... I didn't mean to for you to come," I said kinda quietly. She looked away. "I don't mind being here... just not used being around so many people. Kinda introverted to be honest." I laughed and pulled her closer. "Maybe you just need to get a few drinks in your system." She sighed. "I guess..." I dragged her back and order some shots. And when I say "some shots," I mean like 8. She stared at them. "You taking half of these, right," she said timidly. I shook my head and smiled as I saw her slowly pick up a glass. 

 She took it to the head. Then another. Then another. Then another. Eventually they were all gone. She sat there, slumped I've and I thought I had pushed her too hard, but then she sat up and she had the biggest smile on her face... it made her eyes seem so much brighter. Soon, she was dancing and singing with some of the kids. After a while, she laid on my chest as she tried to catch her breath. "Why'd you... make me... take those shots?" She laughed and completely acted like she didn't ask the question. For the first time of many, we were close together.

[Time Skip] 

 First Pov:

 "Richard... we need to talk..." he turned toward me and smiled. "Hey Y/N, wassup?" I was scared this would ruin the friendship we had made. All that time hanging out and just talking about everything... I didn't wanna destroy all that. "Listen... I know you have cancer..." His eyes widened as he wasn't expecting me to say that. "How long have you known," he asked as he tried to stay calm. "Since the day we met..." I could tell he was mad. It was written all over his face. "Get out of my classroom." I tried to reason with him, but I could tell that it could cause stress and it could affect him.

It had been a a week or two when I was called back to the hospital; apparently I have another patient. I was at the hospital, trying not to show how upset I was about what happened when my boss came in. "Here's your patient." I sighed as I tried to fake a smile. "Hey... I'm Dr. Y-" I couldn't finish. It was Richard. "Hey Y/N... I know you wouldn't survive without me and I didn't want to put you through that-"

First Pov (Richard):

 I couldn't finish the sentence as she hugged me tightly. I held her closely as I could feel tears on my shirt. "You act like a real pussy at times." She hit my shoulder and then wiped her face. "Shut up, you jackass. Now let's start in this stupid treatment." As we sat down and she began to explain what the treatment would look like, but I was hardly listening. If only there was a way to tell her that she was my "why" fir everything now. I had more of a connection than her than I had with anybody in my entire life.

 I was gonna try to survive. For her.

Umm... hope yall like the chapter. Tell me if yall want a part two (I'll probably do one because this one was actually something I found interesting.) Umm... yeah. Be safe and stay gorgeous!

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