Chapter 2: The Letter Of Truth

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For the past few days, Harry had been pondering about Voldemort's suspected son. Harry's family all decided that the rumors weren't true. They were just created by some silly little Hogwarts students who are probably preteen.

Harry: yeah. They're probably just a bunch of immature preteen rumors about things that they probably don't even know about. They probably don't even even know how evil Waldemar was.
Ginny: I agree. They also could be older children. The brain doesn't develop until your late 20s, right?
James: I don't know, dad. Hermione sounded quite convincing. All the stories you guys have told me? You know... He seemed very powerful, and very evil.
Albus: but if Voldemort had a son, wouldn't he be after our family already? Or... Maybe he's plotting his plan. I'm scared.
Harry: you don't have to be scared, guys. We are just going to say that the rumors aren't true until there's confirmation or if there is a sign.
Ginny: and if Voldemort has a son, we'll try our absolute hardest to protect you from any harm. We have defeated the darkest wizard, and we will do it again for you guys.
Lily: thanks, Mom. You're the best. And I would sacrifice myself for Hugo if that's what it takes.
James: ha ha ha you're in love with Hugo! You guys should kiss already.
Ginny: oh, stop it guys. It's getting late. You guys should head to bed.
Lily:  (yawns) That's a good idea. I'm getting tired.

The next day, was a normal day for the Potter family. They did their usual routine. They woke up, had breakfast, and the children laughed and played with each other. Everything was going, perfectly, until Headwig delivered a letter to Harry's house.

The Letter

Dear Harry, Ginny, and the children, this is an important letter. Have you read the Daily Profit? If you haven't, you need to read it. Once you have, come over. You'll find out why once you have read it.

The Weasley's

P.S., Hugo just admitted that he has a huge crush on Lily.

Harry immediately showed the letter to his entire family.

Harry: GUYS! GET IN HERE AND READ THIS LETTER! They all come into the living room.
Ginny (reading the letter): could this potentially be about the rumor?
Lily: it sounds like it. I have a copy of the daily profit right here! I haven't read it yet let's read it together!
Albus: YEAH! Let's see.
James: Al, don't you realize that if the rumors are true, you were life can be at risk?
Al: come on, James! We work together as a team, and make it through. Besides, this is basically like the ninth book in the Harry Potter series!
Lily: Harry Potter series!?
Al: I was only joking. They really should make a biography about dad, where they talk about him, killing Voldemort and how he had to live with our old great aunt and uncle.
Harry: absolutely! But we're getting sidetracked. Lily, can you fetch your copy of the daily profit for us?
Lily: Alright!

They read it.

Daily Profit: July 7, 2018
Breaking news! The ministry of magic has found out that the deceased Lord Voldemort secretly had a son, and he is alive and well today. His name is Daniel Riddle, and he is about 30 years of age. Allegedly, riddle wants revenge against not other than Harry Potter And the people who helped him kill his father. No one knows where he is at or what his next plan will be, but all we know is that the ministry has detected him. If you see anyone that is in their 30s and looks like Lord Voldemort, send the Ministry of Magic a letter immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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