Chapter V:

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I tried to hide the utter panic in my breath as I had just left my only home to go to a completely new world that wouldn't even accept me no matter how hard I tried.

Coriolanus sat across from me on the floor of the boxcar, leaning up against the wall. He was slowly drifting to sleep and expecting me to do the same, but couldn't. Not after what I had just done.

"I'm a fugitive..." I blurted out before slapping my hand across my mouth. I can't believe I just spoke that into existence. Now I really AM a fugitive.

Coriolanus opened his eyes and fixed his position on the floor. "The capitol doesn't even like citizens of the districts, let alone fugitives..." I stated.

"I've been thinking about that. I have an idea." Coriolanus proposed, waking himself up a little more.

I took a breath, letting him know I was open to any ideas, yet nothing seemed like it could fix my situation.

Coriolanus moved across the floor to sit right beside me, "We're going to give you an entirely new identity. We can give you a new name, a new birth place, you can finally start over." He proposed.

I stared down at my damaged hands, considering the idea. Yet, something told me I'd never be able to change who I am, as much as I tried. It wouldn't be a fresh start. Id still carry the burden of my mother's pain with me. I'd still feel the death of my father in my heart. I'd still be an almost exact replica of my sister who lives, scared and hungry, with my family in the twelfth district.

It would be a matter of time before someone recognizes me and I get sent back to the district, where I almost immediately face death.

"We can cut your hair, dye it if you want, you can dress entirely different." Coriolanus's voice echoed throughout my mind as I stared down at my clothes. The clothes my mother had made for me because we couldn't afford to buy anything brand new.

"I know it doesn't sound ideal." Coriolanus admitted, "But if you ever want to be happy again, this is what it's going to take."

I looked over at him, "I don't think I'll be happy ever again." I blatantly admitted. It was true though, my happiness came from my siblings and my friends in district twelve.

Coriolanus admired my eyes, "I promise you, there is so much more waiting in the capitol for you than you think." He smiled at me.

The eye contact that Coriolanus held with me caused me to blush, though thankfully from the darkness of the boxcar, it was unnoticeable.

I looked away, "Fine. What if this doesn't work-" I started but was cut off by Coriolanus.

"No what ifs. Time will only tell and by the looks of it, we have a good days worth of traveling. Tomorrow we can decide your future. Tonight, I suggest that you get your beauty rest." Coriolanus shut down any worries that I had before resting his eyes.

I stared ahead of me at the blank wall, hoping focusing would tire me out. Within a few minutes, Coriolanus had fallen fast asleep, his head resting against my shoulder.

It took me over an hour, but when I fell asleep, I stayed asleep. That is until a dream I only dream about when I'm under stress payed me a nice, warm, welcoming visit.

*10 years earlier*
"Cmon! Let's see what's down here!" I shouted to my best friend as we ran down the most desirable looking grass fields just outside the district.

A thick forest awaited us at the bottom of the grass field. "Amelia, the forest looks scary." My best friend, Sofia, called out to me before we entered the forest.

I grabbed her hand, "Don't be a scaredy cat. You have me to protect you." I shined my smile at her as we entered the forest.

I always teased Sofia because she was a year younger than me, obviously making me the smarter one that would make all the daring decisions for us.

"What's that!" I pointed to a tree stump growing mushrooms out of it, not too far ahead of us. We inspected it and decided it made not for a good snack.

We continued farther into the forest until we snuck up on a deer, though none of us had ever seen a deer before. "It's a magical creature.." Sofia whispered to me as I put my finger to my mouth, hoping to not scare it off.

Suddenly the sound of a gunshot not only frightening Sofia and I, but every animal in a five mile radius, sounded out of nowhere.

"We have to get out of here." Sofia cried to me, tugging at my arm. I looked around, not realizing how far in we had gone, not being able to find a way out.

"This way." I mumbled as I led us through the forest, which I hadn't known at the time was the exact opposite way to safety.

Another gunshot sounded, and this time closer. I pulled Sofia down to the floor of the forest. "What is that?" Tears filled her eyes as she questioned the disturbing ear ringing noise.

I knew what it was, but telling Sofia would only scare her more.

I put my finger to my mouth, "Cmon, let's go quietly." I said, pulling her back up with me.

We kept on moving in the same direction only to be met with a man dressed in a baggy white suit carrying a gun. "Run, Amelia!" Sofia shouted at me as she took off the other way.

I shot my head at her, "No! Stop!" I screamed as the man took off after her. A second later he aimed and took his shot at her. It only took one bullet to pierce right through her shoulder.

I hid behind a tree, holding my mouth shut ensuring that not a single breath could escape, as the man turned around and started looking for me.

He ran for the opposite direction, giving me the opportunity to run to Sofia.

I fell to the floor beside her, cupping her face in my hands, "Sofia... are you okay?" I whispered. Though the blood had already created a puddle on the forest floor and her breathing slowed.

I knew what death was, but I had never experienced it this close to me. My mother used to cover my eyes at the hanging tree, and I wasn't old enough to watch the hunger games. It was all too confusing to me.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps receding back to me and I was left with no other choice but to run. Run as fast as possible and never look back.


I awoke in the boxcar of the train with a single tear running from my eye, Coriolanus's head still rested on my shoulder as he slept peacefully.

Jealousy filled through my body. It was unfair that sleep came so easy to him and that his thoughts weren't consuming him at all hours of the night like mine were.

In the midst of staring at him, I realized something had changed. My fingers were intertwined with his.

I didn't know when this happened or why, but I wasn't uncomfortable. It brought comfort, comfort I didn't know he was capable of providing me with.


Escapism // Coriolanus Snow Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt