Chapter VI:

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The rattling of the train as it roughly glided across the tracks awoke me. I looked down towards my hand that had been abandoned by Coriolanus at some point in the night.

I was unaware of the time. It must've been dawn, as the sunrises's beautiful colors of pink and orange shined through the cracks of the boxcar.

Coriolanus, in a different sleeping position than last night, this one looking more comfortable, slightly moved on the floor of the train. My head turned in his direction thinking he was finally awake, though he had just shifted, still sleeping peacefully.

I stared down at him, wondering how I'd gotten myself in this situation. I never expected to be lying beside this peacekeeper, who a few days ago I was afraid of, trembling every time I came even remotely close to him.

He was all I had, the only person I was familiar with as we neared the capitol full of wealthy, melodramatic, snobs who had only ever cared about two things in their life; money and the hunger games.

I grew bored of waiting for Coriolanus to wake after a few minutes and decided to peek out of the train. I had never been anywhere but the districts, and curiosity kills the cat.

I crawled over to a hole in the boxcar, though it was in no way big enough for me to see out of. However, the handle of the sliding door caught my attention.

I approached the door handle and gripped it with my dominant hand, making sure to hold onto the wall incase anything were to go wrong.

One tug, though nothing had happened. I wasn't nearly strong enough, I needed two hands. I stood up and placed both hands on the door handle, preparing myself to pull it as hard as possible.

Just as I was about to yank the door open, Coriolanus's deep voice frightened me, making my hands slip from the door handle as I fell to the floor.

"Trying to escape?" He interjected, keeping his sleepy eyes on me my entire fall.

I pushed myself up from the floor and brushed off the back of my skirt with my hands, "If I was trying to escape, I would have already during your fifteen hour nap." I exaggerated, going back in to give the door a tug, though it didn't budge.

Coriolanus stood up and walked towards the door, flipping a latch that kept the door locked from the inside before motioning for me to give it another try.

My lips smacked, "Well, I didn't see that." I admitted before going to pull the door open, this time being more successful.

The cold wind from the door opening as we flew by on the tracks almost pushed me back. Coriolanus stood still, looking out to the miles of land parallel to the tracks.

It felt like a breath of fresh air, something the districts had no way of providing.

Coriolanus took his seat against the wall where he was just previously sleeping before I awoke him. "I didn't sleep throughout the entire night like you presume I did. I never do." He admitted, looking down at his lap.

I looked out towards the mountains that guarded the districts, realizing that waking up to Coriolanus's hand in mine last night was not an accident.

"Amelia?" Coriolanus's voice brought me back to reality. I turned around and walked towards the wall, sliding down to the floor a few feet from him, feeling his gaze on me the entire time. "Are you okay?" He breathed.

I nodded my head, "Why wouldn't I be?" I thought.

Coriolanus cleared his throat, "Last night, I heard you calling out for someone in your sleep. Sofia?" He hesitated.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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