7 - No better disguies than fear

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Sherlocks POV:

I kicked the old weathered door in, the small cottage lit with only a single candle, "Kindrea?" Tewkesbury called, no response. She must have left already, where? I rushed around the cottage pulling her bedroom door open finding nothing inside. "Sherlock," Tewkesbury whispered, the small sound gripping my attention, I turned to him standing in front of the candle, a third calling card envelope in his hand, "He was here," Tewkesbury concluded as I took the note from his shaky hands.
I tore open the paper, the note inside meant for me, "Pleasure to meet you, Sherlock, meet me at the Wick Harbour Bridge," I read aloud.
Tewkesbury watched as I threw the paper to the ground, the light material floating around oddly before sliding to the ground, "That's where Kindrea is isn't it? We should go!" Tewkesbury went to rush out the door. I stayed in my place, the wooden slats creaking under my weight, except for one, "Sherlock?" The boy questioned worried, "We need to go!" He emphasized.
I put my hand up to stop him from speaking, squatting down to the solid slat, running my fingers along the edges of the splintered wood, I pushed down with all my weight, removing my hands only for the wood to pop up, I pulled it up, under the floor a hidden box waited for someone to see the contents, I lifted the metal box up, placing it on the table.
I unlatched the holds keeping the lid on, inside were drawings, "What the-" I interrupted Tewkesbury.
"Get a cab, i'll meet you outside," I ordered, picking up the first picture as Tewkesbury left, "What are you doing to me, Kin?" I whispered, taking in the charcoal lines that reflected my younger self. "Why didn't you say yes?"


Kindrea's POV:

I picked the lock of Wick's Harbour gates, I ran around the shipping containers, "32748," I kept whispering to myself, "MRTS," I repeated over and over, searching for the container.
Hours, I had been looking for hours, night had fallen and made my search that much harder.
I stood in front of a single container, placed in the middle of a room built of more containers, "I swear if I have too see another one of these after tonight I will blow it up," I whispered, "This doesn't seem like a trap at all," I sarcastically stated, walking through the makeshift walkway.


Tewkesbury's POV:

Sherlock came walking outside with the box in hand, a cab stopping just as he got to my side, "Wick Harbour Bridge," Sherlock spoke, he was angry? Upset? I could never read him.
"Sherlock," I placed my hand on his shoulder, "We're going to find them," I offered the distressed man some hope.

Sherlock jumped out of the cab before it stopped, the ride was silent, tension filled, honestly awkward.
He shoved the box into my chest, "Don't open that," he ordered, pulling a pistol out from the back of his trousers.
"Woah!" I stumbled as I caught the box before it fell to the ground.
Sherlock loaded the gun, closing up the chamber, "Stay here, if you hear gunshots, stay here, if I call you," Sherlock shrugged his shoulder, "Hide the box behind that pole and come help," he finished.
I stared at the floor nodding my head, "Okay," I looked back up to talk to him, "What if you don't ca-" he was gone.
I stood in my spot, looking around the poles to see Sherlock walking calming down the bridge with his arms behind his back, his gun held firmly in his hand. "Moriarty," Sherlock greeted the woman who stood in the middle of the bridge, dim lights allowing me to see them.
"Sherlock!" Enola's voice was clear, my eyes searched for her.
She was tied to the outer railing of the bridge along with two others, a woman and... "Mycroft?" I whispered.
Sherlock remained calm, "You could save them," Mira Troy gestured to the three on the railing, then to a box next to them, a clock ticking down.
"Oh Lord!" I breathed, a bomb that only had minutes left.
Mira Troy smiled, "Or catch me," she started walking backwards, "Your choice, Sherlock," she spun around.
Sherlock had shot his gun, Mira stopped walking, turning herself back to Sherlock, "That was a warning," Sherlock growled, "Tewkesbury!" Sherlock yelled, I dropped the box behind the pole, running to where Enola, Mycroft and the woman were tied up.
Sherlock took slow steps to Mira, I looked back quickly, hearing Sherlock cuff the woman, "Where is Kindrea?" Sherlock glared.
Hatred. Pure and true hatred sent daggers to Mira through his eyes, "You'll find out soon enough," Mira smiled.
I grabbed Enola's arm, "Tewkesbury!" She smiled.
"Hi," I grinned, glancing at the ticking clock. Two minutes. I managed to untie the ropes, Enola falling slightly before I gripped her arm with both hands. "Sorry," I grunted, trying to pull her up, "Sherlock!" I called, I wouldn't be able to pull Mycroft up on my own, I needed help.
I pulled Enola up from the edge, "Go!" Sherlock shouted to Enola.
"You're in a mood," Enola guessed, "Who is Kindrea?" She ignored his order, walking up to the boom, "One minute," she informed us.
My eyes widened, Sherlock was pulling Mycroft up as I started untying the woman, I pulled her up once Mycroft jumped in to help, "Alice!" He pulled her into a hug.
"Run!" Sherlock pulled me by my collar.
The bomb had fifty seconds left.
Enola stayed in her spot pulling the lid off of the bomb, "Enola!" I yelled to the girl.
She smiled, pulling out a slip of paper, "Bang," she read the paper.
Sherlock froze, "Sherlock," Mycroft whispered, looking at the man.
"What?" Sherlock ran his hand through his hair, "We need to go," Sherlock started walking away, realizing Mira Troy had escaped.
"Sherlock!" Mycroft yelled to get his attention again.
"What, Mycroft!" Sherlock spun around to face him.
Mycroft yelled back the volume a result of the stress, "She wanted your weakness Sherlock!" He sighed, "I had to tell her," Mycroft pulled Alice back to his side.
I was vastly confused by this stage.
"Enola, I kn-" Sherlock tried to understand, Mycroft interrupting him.
"Not Enola, I'm sorry," Mycroft whispered.
Sherlock's expression twisted to a look of realization, he was putting all the pieces together, solving the case, "Kin."
"Three... Two... One..." Enola counted down, watching the clock tick.
Each of us jumped, but the explosion wasn't near us, it was by the harbor.

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