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Sherlock's POV:

We arrived in London for lunch, Kindrea getting checked out by Watson while the rest of us ate, "So..." Enola started, I internally groaned, the girl looking over to me knowingly "Kindrea-" I cut her off.
"Shut up," I mumbled.
The girl laughed, going back to her conversation with Tewkesbury, "So, am I a man yet?" the boy asked.
Enola scoffed, "You're a man when I tell you you're a man, if you have to ask, you are not a man yet," she rolled her eyes.
"All cleaned up," Kindrea sat down at the table, the two younger people at the table looking between themselves smiling before standing up and walking away.
Enola stopped to talk to Kindrea first, "So you beat my brother to solving the case?" she asked.
Kindrea smiled, the bright act taking its toll on my heartstrings, "Not technically, he found you, I found the bomb," she answered, "But I will beat him next time," she loudly whispered.
"Doubtful," I muttered, sipping my tea, Enola left, Kindrea keeping a small smile on her lips, "So..." I rested my arms on the table, "Are you going to be staying in London?" I asked, hopeful, wishing that this was my second chance to know her again.
Kindrea shook her head, "No, I have someone to get back to in Scotland," my hopes crushed.
"Who?" I asked, my expression blank.
Kindrea laughed, the joyful sound hurting my soul, "You're a detective," she stood, pulling her coat with her, my eyes following her movement until they connected with hers, "Figure it out," she smirked, kissing my cheek, "I'll see you around, Sherlock," Kindrea walked away.
I watched her every movement, until I felt a wack up the back of my head, "Ow!" I exclaimed, looking to the culprit, Enola, "Why?" I asked, questioning her painful action.
"You are one of the best detectives in the world and even you can't figure it out," Enola smiled, "Nincompoop," she muttered as she walked away.
I stared between Enola and Kindrea, what?


Everyone was home, safely hidden away from the crimes of the world.
But the case of the Hidden Iris' was still stuck on the minds of Sherlock and Kindrea, the two separated by distance but their thoughts so close to the others.
'Why did I have to say no?'
'Why did she have to say no?'

Enola Holmes HIDDEN IRIS'Where stories live. Discover now